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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 9 <br />existing stormwater facilities prior to and during construction activities. Maintenance of <br />any and all temporary stormwater facilities shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. <br />24. Prior to the issuance of the Grading and Erosion permit, the Engineering Department shall <br />review and approve final grading and utility plans in writing. Plans shall be amended to <br />include detail drawings for connection to the sanitary sewer system in Gateway Boulevard, <br />restoration of utility cuts within public streets, and inclusion of City details 3401, 3402, <br />3408, and 4000. <br />25. Any future trash enclosures shall utilize wooden gates and be constructed on three sides <br />using the same materials and patterns used on the building. Locations shall be approved by <br />the Planning Department. <br />26. The Applicant shall provide an executed copy of the City's standard stormwater <br />maintenance and easement agreement prior to approval of the Development Agreement. <br />27. All disturbed boulevards shall be restored with sod. <br />28. All areas of the site, where practical, shall be sodded or seeded and maintained. The <br />property owner shall mow and maintain all site boulevards to the curb line of the public <br />streets. <br />29. Overnight trailer parking is prohibited onsite other than along the dock wall within the <br />concrete dock apron. <br />30. The Applicant shall work with Ramsey County to add five (5) seconds to the signal timing <br />for Round Lake Road and Hwy 96 to allow for more northbound left turns during the PM <br />peak hour prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. <br />31. Warehousing and wholesaling shall not exceed 85 percent of the floor area tenant. The <br />remaining 15 percent of floor area shall be non -warehouse uses such as a combination of <br />uses including -but -not -limited -to office, manufacturing, production, research and <br />development, lab and/or showroom per tenant. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she would like further information from staff regarding each of <br />the flexibility requests being made by the Applicant. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla explained the Applicant was <br />requesting lot area flexibility and FAR flexibility in order to have 85% of the building be used for <br />warehousing/wholesaling with 15% to be used for non -warehouse uses such as office. <br />Councilmember Holden asked how R&D/lab space was different than an office. She explained <br />she would like the remaining 15% of the building used for office space and not for R&D/labs. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla indicated the Applicant was <br />requesting the flexibility to use the remaining 15% for office, R&D or lab space. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she had an issue with this. <br />Councilmember McClung commented the zoning code would not allow for more than 75% of <br />the building to be used for warehousing/wholesaling. He explained the Applicant does not have <br />any tenants signed up for the space, which meant the Applicant was seeking flexibility for 10% of <br />the space without any basis for the need. <br />
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