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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — OCTOBER 12, 2020 11 <br />City Attorney Jamnik explained Condition 1 requires the project to be completed in accordance <br />with the plans submitted and as amended by the conditions of approval. He supported the Council <br />adding a condition stating the brick will be integrally cast into the precast panels. <br />AMENDMENT: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion to <br />add Condition 35 as follows: The brick shall be inte;;ralh cast into the <br />precast panels as discussed between the Council and the developer. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The amendment carried 5-0 . <br />Mayor Grant asked if the rear of the building/dock doors would allow for driveins. <br />Mr. Salzar reported the building had two drive in doors, one on each end of the building. <br />Councilmember McClung stated he had concerns with this property and noted this building did <br />not meet his vision for this visible property in Arden Hills. <br />Mayor Grant understood there were Councilmembers that have served for quite some time on <br />the City Council. He discussed the history of this parcel and how the plans have changed over <br />time. He noted the proposed use was reasonable and for this reason he would support the request. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she had envisioned this site as a nice office complex, but this has <br />not happened. She discussed how COVID has changed the office market. She noted she would <br />be supporting the proposed development. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The amended motion add Condition 35 as follows: <br />The brick shall be integrally cast into the precast panels as discussed between <br />the Council and the developer carried 4-1 (Councilmember McClung <br />opposed). <br />MOTION: Mavor Grant moved and Councilmember Scott seconded a motion to avprove <br />the Conditional Use Permit, Planned Unit Development, Site Plan and <br />Prelimina /Final Plat for the yropertN at 4200 Round Lake Road, based on <br />the findinils of fact and submitted plans, and the thi -five 35 conditions in <br />the October 12, 2020, Report to the Citv Council. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The amended motion carried 4-1 (Councilmember <br />McClung opposed). <br />11. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember McClung commented on the MnDOT Glenhill Road Zoom meeting that was <br />held prior to the City Council meeting. He asked if staff could get an update on what happened at <br />this meeting after the Council had to leave. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom reported this meeting was recorded so staff <br />could provide the Council with a summary. <br />