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APPENDIX A Ramsey County Public Works Cost Participation Policy Approved May 28, 2013 The intent of Ramsey County's Public Works Cost Participation Policy is to equitably distribute the cost of construction and major maintenance projects between the County and its partner communities. The policy recognizes that projects undertaken by the County should benefit the County and provide local benefits to the communities in which they are completed. The policy also defines the County's contributions to locally-initiated projects. All County cost contributions are subject to project feasibility and availability of funding. The policy, as amended on May 28, 2013, reflects Ramsey County's commitment to develop a safe, effective, multimodal transportation system for users of all abilities and incomes. It is upon that foundation the Public Works Department will work with partnering agencies to ensure investments in construction and major maintenance accommodate an appropriate mix of motorized and non-motorized travel options. County cost participation levels have been selectively increased in recognition of the growing importance of integrating pedestrian, bicycle, transit and American Disabilities Act (ADA) features into transportation planning and implementation. Amended policy provisions also remove former provisions which identified differing cost participation levels when federal funds have been secured. In the event unique design considerations or project impacts are identified, the Director of Public Works may negotiate mutually beneficial deviations from this policy, subject to review and approval of the County Board.