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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLTNCIL - OCTOBER 26, 2O2O 9 <br />Mayor Grant stated a motion to table does not require a second <br />Councilmember Holmes reported the proposed Resolution does not address the specific project, <br />how much the City would pay, or how much Arden Hills residents would be assessed. She stated <br />she would like to see more detail. She requested comment from the City Attorney regarding this <br />situation. <br />City Attorney Jamnik advised the Resolution was quite vague but noted the final decision rested <br />with the City Council. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember McCluns seconded a <br />motion to table action on Resol ution #2020-051 - Rice Creek Watershed <br />District Drainase Proceedinss Under the Wa tershed Law to a date uncertain. <br />A roll call vote was taken.The motion carried 4-1 (Councilmember Scott <br />opposed). <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />None <br />11. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Grant reported he met with MnDOT along with Councilmember Holden to discuss <br />closures on Snelling Avenue. He stated the MnDOT Deputy Commissioner was in attendance. <br />He thanked staff for the time they have put into this project but noted the project would be moving <br />forward. <br />Mayor Grant explained the State approved $500,000 for the Arden Hills watermain project under <br />Lexington Avenue through the recently approved bonding bill. He thanked Senator Jason <br />Isaacson and Representative Kelly Moller for their leadership and support on this project. <br />Councilmember Scott congratulated Gretchen Needham for being selected as the City's new <br />Communications Coordinator. He stated he looked forward to working with Gretchen in the <br />future. <br />Councilmember McClung reported the Lake Johanna Fire Department closed on the purchase of <br />the property along Pine Tree Drive. He explained the next step would be to discuss the future fire <br />station. <br />Councilmember Holmes thanked the legislators for their assistance with the bonding. She <br />thanked the Public Works Department for clearing the City of snow after the recent snow event. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated she was very disappointed with MnDOT's decision to close off <br />Snelling Avenue to the Glen Hill neighborhood. She anticipated the proposed u-turn would not <br />be a safe altemative.