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Page 7 <br />The allocation of hours between programs or departments should be based exclusively on the actual hours <br />worked, and not be based on available budgets, or predetermined allocation schedules. <br />In the event that an after-the-fact correction is necessary to an employee’s timesheet due to errors in the allocation <br />of time worked, such corrections must be submitted to Finance, and approved in writing by both the employee <br />and his/her supervisor. <br /> <br />2. Salaried employees charged to a Federal grant will document time and effort as follows: the employee may <br />document time and effort using a timesheet as described above. Timesheets must account for the total activity <br />for which the employee is compensated and be signed by the employee. It will not be acceptable for timesheets <br />to include the hours worked on Federal grants only. <br /> <br />a. It is the responsibility of the employee being charged to a Federal award(s) to clarify documentation <br />requirements with the Public Works Director, Finance Director or designee and provide appropriate <br />documentation to Payroll as it becomes available. The employee should retain a copy of the <br />documentation for his/her personal records. <br /> <br />Certifications should never be signed prior to the end date of the payroll period being certified. Each <br />certification should be provided to the Finance Department when available. Employees should retain a copy of <br />the certifications for his/her personal records. <br /> <br />Grant Administration <br /> <br />The following policies and procedures will also be applied, to the extent that they do not conflict with or contradict <br />any existing Council policies: <br /> <br />1. Grant Development, Application, and Approval – <br /> <br />a. Legislative Approval – The point at which legislative approval is required is determined by the <br />requirements of the grant program. If the grant must be submitted by “an individual authorized <br />by the legislative body”, then City Council approval is required prior to submitting the <br />application. If such legislative approval is not specifically required by the written terms of the <br />grant, then the City Administrator or designee may, at his or her discretion, approve grant <br />applications. <br /> <br />b. Matching Funds – Grants that require cash local matches must be coordinated through the Finance <br />Department. At a minimum, funds must be identified within the existing budget to provide the match, or a <br />budget amendment will be required. Depending on the nature of the grant, there may also be some policy <br />implications that will bear discussion. (For example, will the grant establish a level of service that cannot be <br />sustained once the grant funds are depleted?) <br /> <br />In all cases involving matching funds, the grant applicant should contact the Finance Department to <br />determine the strategy for securing matching funds. <br /> <br />Refer to the section within this manual titled “Matching, Level of Effort, and Earmarking” for additional <br />information on compliance with the provisions of the OMB UGG - Uniform Grant Guidance Compliance <br />Supplement. <br /> <br />c. Grant Budgets – Most grants require the submission of an expenditure budget. The Finance Director will <br />review this portion of the grant request prior to submission. Frequently, a technical review will discover <br />inconsistencies in the calculations, cost centers that might have been overlooked, or identify <br />reimbursable expenses of which program staff may not be aware—particularly in the area of indirect <br />costs. <br /> <br />