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Page 11 <br />4. An indirect cost rate will only be charged to the grant to the extent that it was specifically approved through the <br />grant budget/agreement. When allowable, indirect costs will be charged based on the Cost Allocation Plan of the <br />city. <br /> <br />Cash Management <br />Source of Governing Requirements – The requirements for cash management are contained in the A-102 Common <br />Rule (§ .21), OMB Circular A-133 (2 CFR section 215.22), program legislation, Federal awarding agency regulations, <br />and the terms and conditions or the award. <br /> <br />In order to ensure compliance with these requirements, the city has implemented the following policies and <br />procedures: <br /> <br />1. Substantially all of the city’s grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis. As such, program costs will be <br />expended and disbursed prior to requesting reimbursement from the grantor agency. <br /> <br />2. Cash draws will be initiated by the Finance Director or Public Works Director who will determine the <br />appropriate draw amount. Documentation of how this amount was determined will be retained and <br />signed/dated. <br /> <br />3. The physical draw of cash will be processed through SWIFT (Minnesota’s State-wide Integrated Financial Tools <br />payment system) or through the means prescribed in the grant agreement. <br /> <br />4. Supporting documentation from SWIFT or a copy of the cash draw paperwork will be filed along with the <br />approved paperwork described above and retained for audit purposes. <br /> <br />Eligibility <br />Source of Governing Requirements – The requirements for eligibility are contained in program legislation, Federal <br />awarding agency regulations, and the terms and conditions of the award. <br /> <br />1. Federal grants will only benefit those individuals and/or groups of participants that are deemed to be eligible. <br /> <br />Equipment and Real Property Management <br />Source of Governing Requirements – The requirements for equipment are contained in the A-102 Common Rule (§ <br />.32), OMB Circular A-133 (2 CFR section 215.34), (34 CRF section 74.34), program legislation, Federal awarding <br />agency regulations, and the terms and conditions of the award. <br /> <br />The following policies and procedures will also be applied, to the extent that they do not conflict with or contradict <br />any existing Council policies: <br /> <br />1. All equipment will be used in the program for which it was acquired or, when appropriate and allowable, other <br />Federal programs. <br /> <br />2. When required, purchases of equipment will be pre-approved by the grantor or pass-through agency. The <br />Finance Director, or designee will be responsible for ensuring that equipment purchases have been previously <br />approved, if required, and will retain evidence of this approval. <br /> <br />3. Equipment records will be maintained and an appropriate system shall be used to safeguard equipment, as <br />described in the city’s separate Capital Asset policy. Equipment should be assigned to a program and <br />physical location on the inventory. If such equipment is moved, it will be noted and adjusted in the city’s <br />capital assets records.