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Old Snelling Avenue Roadway Improvements <br /> Arden Hills, Minnesota <br /> NTI Project No. 19.MSP09107.000 <br /> <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />2.2 Subsurface Conditions <br />The soil profile generally consisted of bituminous pavement (generally ranging in thickness from 3.0 to <br />11.0 inches) overlaying apparent aggregate base (generally ranging in thickness from 8.0 to 24.0 <br />inches). As an exception to this, Borings SB-14 and SB-15 encountered topsoil at the surface <br />(approximately 5.0 inches in thickness). In Borings SB-1 through SB-7 and Boring SB-11, an additional <br />bituminous pavement layer was encountered directly below the apparent aggregate base layer ranging <br />in thickness from 6.0 to 11.0 inches. <br />Apparent undocumented fill soils were encountered ranging in depths from approximately 1.5 to 11.5 <br />feet below the existing grade. Generally, the undocumented fill soils consisted of clayey sand (SC), silty <br />sand (SM), and sandy lean clay to lean clay with sand (CL). As an exception, apparent undocumented <br />fill soils were not encountered at the Boring SB-10 location. <br />The glacial deposits were generally encountered extending to the termination depths of the borings <br />and consisted of clayey sand (SC), silty sand (SM), poorly graded sand (SP), and sandy lean clay (CL). <br />A paludal deposit generally consisted of peat (Pt) soil was encountered at the Boring SB-8 location <br />between depths of approximately 7.0 and 9.0 feet below existing grade. <br />Apparent hydrocarbon odors (detected by human perception only) were observed throughout the <br />project area. <br />Please refer to the boring logs within the appendices for a detailed description and depths of stratum at <br />each boring. Additional comment on the evaluation of recovered soil samples is presented within the <br />report attachments. <br />2.3 Groundwater Conditions <br />The drill crew observed the borings for groundwater (if any) during and at the completion of drilling <br />activities. Measurable groundwater was observed in two (2) of the fifteen (15) SPT borings (SB-1 and <br />SB-12) at a depth of approximately 14.0 feet below existing grade (approximate elevations of 877.76 <br />and 900.23 feet). Possible perched groundwater conditions were observed at Boring SB-6 at a depth of <br />approximately 11.5 feet (approximately elevation 901.01 feet) <br />The site soils were conducive to movement of groundwater both laterally and vertically over time. The <br />moisture content of such soils can vary annually and per recent precipitation. Such soils and other <br />regional dependent conditions may produce groundwater entry of project excavations. <br />