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FFindings of Fact1. City Staff received a land use application for a request to build an accessory structure for storage at the Subject Property 3493 Siems Court.2. Storage of personal items is a permitted use for an accessory structure in the R-1 Single Family Residential District. 3. The Subject Property has a steep downward slope in the rear yard that prevents the Applicant from building on much of the site. 4. The Subject Property meets the minimum lot size, width, and length requirements for the R-1 District.5. The Applicant is requesting flexibility with the maximum height and size restrictions for an accessory storage shed located within the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) setback requirement for Lake Johanna. 6. The rear yard setback requirement for a proposed accessory structure is determined by the OWHL of Lake Johanna.7. The proposed structure is located 25.2 feet within the OHWL setback from Lake Johanna which is 50 feet.8. The proposed storage structure would be located outside the Shore Impact Zone of Lake Johanna. 9. One (1) storage shed is permitted with the OHWL setback requirement of Lake Johanna as long as it does not exceed 64 square feet in size and eight (8) feet in height and is not within the Shore Impact Zone.10. The proposed structure exceeds the height at nine (9) feet six (6) inches tall and exceeds the area dimension at 93.5 square feet. 11. The proposed structure would otherwise conform to all other requirements and standards of the R-1 district. 12. A variance may be granted if enforcement of a provision in the zoning ordinance would cause the landowner practical difficulties.