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Plan Review Comments <br />Page 4 of 14 <br /> <br />5. Prior to start of any excavation or construction, approved erosion control <br />methods must be in place. <br />6. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , section 15.41, The building permit or copy <br />of shall be kept on site of work until the completion of work. <br />7. Verify center foundation footing. Point load locations need to have block grouted <br />solid to a minimum depth of three block courses. All damaged block to be <br />repaired. <br /> <br />8. Contractor to obtain permit to demolish existing building. <br /> <br />9. Parking is extremely limited on and around building site. Provide documentation <br />to the City detailing notification of neighbors, contractors and others as to how <br />parking will be maintained in an orderly fashion to minimize disruption to <br />neighboring properties and the community in general. <br /> <br />10. Concrete foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the <br />provisions of Section R404.1.2. Concrete foundation walls shall be laterally <br />supported at the top and bottom in accordance with R404.1. Provide poured wall <br />documentation for inspectors’ reference. Supporting engineering must be on site prior <br />to pouring! <br />11. Vapor retarders pursuant to IBC Section 1405.3 and continuous air barrier <br />pursuant to Minnesota Energy Code Section C402.4 or ASHRAE 90.1 Section <br /> must be provided and indicated on the construction documents. <br />Demonstrate Compliance. <br /> <br />a. Confirm a gas permeable material in accordance with MR 1303.2401 subp 2 <br />is provided on the prepared subgrade under all floors pursuant to MR <br />1303.2402 subp 1. <br /> <br />b. Confirm that all potential entry routes for radon gas are sealed according to <br />subp A-E pursuant to MR 1303.2402 subp 4. <br /> <br />c. Radon vent pipes routed through unconditioned spaces shall be insulated with <br />a minimum R4 pursuant MR 1303.2402 subp 5. <br /> <br />d. Confirm all radon vents pipes are identified with at least 1 label on each story <br />and in attics pursuant to MR 1303.2402 subp5. <br /> <br />12. R402.1.1 MN2015 Energy code <br />Insulation, waterproofing, and fenestration criteria of the building thermal <br />envelope shall meet the requirements of Table R402.1.1 based on the climate <br />zone specified in Chapter 3, and the requirements contained in Section R402.2. <br />Cast-in-place concrete and masonry block foundation walls shall be waterproofed <br />according to IRC Section R406 and the following requirements: <br />1. The waterproofing shall extend from the top interior wall edge, across the top <br />of the wall, and down the exterior wall face to the top of the footing. If a full <br />width, closed-cell material is installed to create a seal between the sill plate <br />and the top of the foundation wall, the installation is deemed to meet the <br />requirements for the top of the wall waterproofing. <br />