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<br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for January 25, 2021 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2020\20-022 New Perspectives Senior Living - CUP, PUD, SP, ZCA\CC Packet\PH <br /> <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />1. Zoning Code Amendment <br /> <br />The Applicant is proposing a Zoning Code Amendment for the maximum dwelling unit density <br />per net acre allowed within the B-2 District only. The maximum density allowed within the B-2 <br />and CMU District is 20 units per acre. The total proposed density is 23 units per acre or 146 units. <br />However, the Applicant is proposing a different standard for the 33 memory care units. The <br />Applicant is requesting that memory care units - which consist of private bedrooms/bathrooms <br />with an opening to a shared central dining and living areas - be calculated as the equivalent of 0.5 <br />units. If we apply the .5 units for density purposes the total number of units is 20 units per acre or <br />129.5 units and is in conformance with the zoning district and land use plan. <br /> <br />In other cities ordinances, assisted living and memory care units are often considered less than one <br />(1) unit because of the lack of apartment-like amenities such as a full kitchen and living area. In <br />addition, it is common for memory care units to have a reduced footprint as the units are specially <br />designed for residents that require memory care services. City code section 1325.045, Subdivision <br />1 requires efficiency (studio) units to be a minimum of five hundred and fifty (550) square feet. <br />The Applicant is proposing units that range in size from 371 to 391 square feet. <br /> <br />The Applicant and staff are proposing the zoning code amendment below and in Attachment D. <br /> <br />1320.085 Special Requirements for the B-2 General Business District. <br /> <br />Subd. 5 Assisted Living Additional Planned Unit Development Criteria. (revised X/X/XXXX) <br />A. In addition to meeting the requirements of Section 1325, multi-family assisted living <br />residential projects may incorporate memory care units meeting the following: <br />1. Each unit consist of private bedrooms with bathrooms; <br />2. Each units is open to a shared central dining and living areas; <br />3. Units may be less than 550 square feet; <br />4. Memory care units shall be considered to be equivalent to .5 dwelling units. <br /> <br />2. Chapter 13, Zoning Code Review <br /> <br />A. Lot Area and Dimensions – Meets Requirements <br />The Subject Property exceeds the minimum lot area and dimensions required for a development <br />within the B-2 District. The total area of the Subject Property is 6.4 acres, or approximately <br />290,545 square feet. The Land Use Chart in Section 1320.05 highlights the minimum requirements <br />for properties in the B-2 District. The maximum structure coverage allowed in the district is forty- <br />five (45) percent of the lot. The proposed structure coverage is 64,644 square feet or 22 percent. <br />Up to eighty (80) percent of the lot can be developed with impervious coverage. According to the <br />site plan submitted by the Applicant, 3.4 acres or 53 percent of the site will be impervious. <br /> <br />B. Building and Parking Setbacks – Meets Requirements <br />In the B-2 District, there is a 20-foot front building setback and rear setback and both side setbacks <br />combined must equal 20 feet. The principal structure exceeds building setback requirements for <br />its district. The proposed parking lot exceeds all parking lot setback requirements for the district. <br />Ordinance requires all access drives to be setback five (5) feet from the property line. The <br />proposed access drive on the west side of the proposed building and adjacent to Minnesota State