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RSRD06039.2020 <br />7 <br />Emily Bowen <br />TRAIL DESIGN <br />Emily has experience with design and engineering of trail, roadway, drainage, and utility improvements for <br />projects across the metro. Emily’s trail and roadway design experience includes preparation of concepts <br />DVZHOODVSUHOLPLQDU\DQGƄQDOGHVLJQSODQVIRUXUEDQDQGUXUDOURDGZD\VURXQGDERXWVDQGVLJQDOL]HGLQWHUVHFWLRQV <br />Her roadway design experience includes ADA, drainage, geometric design, concept analysis, and cost estimating using <br />MicroStation, Geopak, Inroads, Storm CAD, and Corridor Modeler. Emily has worked with Greg on several municipal and <br />county roadway projects and will assist Greg with the preparation of all plan submittals for this project. <br />Project Experience <br /> z Bruce Vento Trail Final Design, Ramsey County, MN — Trail Design and Modeling Analyst. <br /> z CSAH 5 Phase 2 Pedestrian and Safety Improvements, Washington County, MN — ADA Design and Modeling Analyst. <br /> z Cleveland Avenue Reconstruction, Ramsey County, MN — ADA and Trail Design Analyst. <br /> z 5th Street Pedestrian Bridge over I-35W, Minneapolis, MN — ADA Design and Plan Production Analyst. <br /> z CSAH 13 Pedestrian Bridge over I-94, Washington County, MN — Plan Production Analyst. <br />Matt Jensen, P.E. <br />RETAINING WALL DESIGN <br />0DWWKDV\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHSURYLGLQJSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWDQGGHVLJQVHUYLFHVIRUVWUXFWXUDO <br />engineering projects for local agencies. He is experienced with the design and construction of bridges <br />DQGUHWDLQLQJZDOOVXWLOL]LQJ0Q'277UXQN+LJKZD\DQG6WDWH$LG6WDQGDUGV6SHFLƄFDOO\0DWWKDVVWURQJWHFKQLFDO <br />experience with the preliminary design, layout, and wall type selection process to provide clients the most cost effective and <br />constructible structures. Matt served the City of Arden Hills on the Elmer L. Anderson Memorial Trail connections project as <br />structural engineer for the adjoining retaining walls. He also led the design and construction oversight for TH 5 Pleasantview, <br />a project that had two different wall types needed to address unique project circumstances. Matt’s experience evaluating <br />modular block and cast-in-place concrete will help to identify the scope of the retaining walls for this project. <br />Project Experience <br /> z Elmer L. Anderson Memorial Trail Connections, Arden Hills, MN — Structural Engineer. <br /> z County Road E Bridge Pedestrian Improvements, Arden Hills, MN — Project Manager. <br /> z Old Snelling Bridge Rating and Reconstruction, Arden Hills, MN — Project Manager. <br /> z TH 5 Pleasantview Reconstruction, Chanhassen, MN — Structural Engineer. <br /> z Rice Creek Remeander Construction Phase Services, Ramsey County, MN — Structural Engineer. <br /> z Bruce Vento Trail Final Design, Ramsey County, MN — Structural Engineer. <br />Ron Leaf, P.E. <br />DRAINAGE DESIGN <br />5RQKDV\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHDQGLVDVHQLRUZDWHUUHVRXUFHVHQJLQHHU+HKDVH[WHQVLYHH[SHULHQFH <br />LQVWRUPZDWHUWUHDWPHQWIDFLOLW\DQGVWRUPVHZHUV\VWHPSUHOLPLQDU\HYDOXDWLRQVDQGƄQDOGHVLJQ <br />comprehensive surface water management planning, and a wide range of stormwater green infrastructure practices. <br />He is experienced in serving as the project manager and task leader for projects involving regional trails and linear <br />projects adjacent to critical water resources. <br />Project Experience <br /> z Rice Creek Remeander and Trail Improvements, Ramsey County, MN — Lead Water Resources Engineer. <br /> z Rice Creek Commons Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan & Green Infrastructure and Stormwater <br />Reuse Feasibility Study, Arden Hills, MN — Lead Water Resources Engineer.