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� If the violation relates to the sale of tobacco products to minors by licensee or <br />license's employees, the following administrative fines, suspensions, or <br />revocations shall be imposed by the City: <br />Subd. 1. The first such violation within 12 months shall subject the licensee to the <br />payment of an administrative fine of $100.00; <br />Subd. 2. The second violation within 12 months shall subject licensee to the <br />payment of an administrative fine of $500; <br />Subd. 3. The third viola�ion within 12 months shall subject licensee, at licensee's <br />option, to the payment of an administrative fine of $1,000 and a seven (7) <br />business day suspension or a thirty day suspension of the license; <br />Subd. 4. The fourth violation within 12 months shall subject �icensee to a <br />revocation of the license for a one-year period. <br />The imposition of an administrative fine and suspension of a license or to a <br />license revocation pursuant to this section shall be preceded by a hearing before <br />the City Council, unless the license holder elects to waive its right to a public <br />hearing. Licensees, whose licenses have been revoked, shall not be eligible for <br />another Tobacco Product License for one year from the date of license revocation. <br />� 350.14. Fees. No license shall be issued or renewed under this section until the <br />appropriate license fee is paid in full. The annual license fee shall be established by <br />Ordinance as adopted by the City Council. <br />350.15. Licensee Requirements. A license shall comply with all applicable <br />regulations of the State of Minnesota relating to the sale or dispensing of tobacco <br />products. If there is a conflict between the regulations of the State and regulations of the <br />City, the more restrictive regulations shall control. <br />Adoption Date: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Arden Hill <br />The 26th Day of March, 2007. <br />Stanley D. stead, M yor <br />AT�ES��� . n n � ����� <br />�X.n �- <br />Michelle A. Wolfe, City Administrator <br />h <br />Publication Date: Published on the y� day of �s(J�', � , 2007 <br />� F:Ausers�f3ARBERUERRY�Arden Hills\Ordinance 359-Tobacco.doc <br />