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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – October 7, 2020 2 <br /> <br />located within the Shore Impact Zone with the intent to build a new structure. The previous <br />structure was built prior to the adoption of the current City Code that restricts what structures <br />can be built within the Shore Impact Zone, and was a legal nonconforming structure. Because the <br />nonconformity was discontinued for a period of more than one year, and no building permit has <br />been applied for within 180 days of when the structure was removed, the previous structure <br />cannot be rebuilt. The Applicant requires a Variance approval for this new structure because it is <br />larger t han the previous legal nonconforming structure and is proposed too close to the shore. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Hartmann explained the Applicant is proposing to build the accessory <br />structure to gain more storage space for their belongings. According to the Applicant’s narrative <br />submitted as a part of their application, the accessory structure is being proposed near the shore <br />because it is the only area suitable for building given the steep topography in the rear yard. An <br />accessory structure of this size is necessary because the paddleboards that his family owns are a <br />minimum ten (10) to twelve (12) feet long and six (6) feet wide, hence the proposal is to request a <br />storage structure with a length of 12 feet and a width of 10 feet. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Hartmann reported the sketches submitted by the Applicant show that the <br />structure would have a greater height, length, and width than what was allowed for the pre- <br />existing structure, but would maintain the same setback distance from the shoreline as the <br />previous struct ure. The Planning Commission is being asked to determine if a variance request for <br />flexibility with the Shoreland Management District setback requirements should be approved for <br />the proposed accessory structure. This structure requires flexibility from the restrictions for City <br />Code within Shoreland Management Districts. The evaluation of the proposal should be based on <br />the provisions within the Zoning Code and the Requirements for a Variance in Section 1355.04 , <br />Subd. 4 and the Continuation of Nonconforming Uses in Section 1350.02. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Hartmann reviewed the Shoreland Regulations, the Plan Evaluation and <br />provided the Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />1. City Staff received a land use application for a request to build an accessory structure for <br />st orage at the Subject Property 3493 Siems Court. <br />2. Storage of personal items is a permitted use for an accessory structure in the R-1 Single <br />Family Residential District. <br />3. The Subject Property has a steep downward slope in the rear yard that prevents the <br />Applicant from building on much of the site. <br />4. The Subject Property meets the minimum lot size, width, and length requirements for the <br />R-1 District. <br />5. The Applicant is requesting flexibility with the maximum height and size restrictions for a <br />storage shed located within the setback requirement for Lake Johanna. 6. The rear yard <br />setback requirement for a proposed accessory structure is determined by the Ordinary <br />High Water Level (OHWL) of Lake Johanna. <br />7. The OHWL setback from Lake Johanna is 50 feet. <br />8. A previous legal-nonconforming accessory structure was located at the Subject Property <br />within the Shore Impact Zone where the Applicant is now proposing to build, but that <br />previous structure was removed by the Applicant. <br />9. Because the nonconformity was discontinued for a period of more than one year, and no <br />building permit has been applied for within 180 days of when the property was removed, <br />the previous structure cannot be rebuilt. DRAFT
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