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Page 1 of 4 <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM – 1C <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: March 15, 2021 <br /> <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br /> Dave Perrault, City Administrator <br /> <br />FROM: David Swearingen, Interim Public Works Director <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Feasibility Report for Arden Oaks Street Improvements <br /> <br /> Budgeted Amount: Actual Amount: Funding Source: <br /> $827,000 $542,340 PIR, Surface Water, Sanitary, <br /> (anticipated) Water, Special Assessments <br /> <br />Council Should Consider <br />City staff is preparing a resolution ordering a feasibility study for the Arden Oaks Street <br />Improvements for consideration by the City Council on March 22, 2021. Staff is requesting an <br />opportunity to review the anticipated project scope, budget and schedule with the City Council <br />prior to ordering the Request for Proposal of the feasibility study to engineering consultants. <br /> <br />Background <br />The 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) identifies proposed street and utility <br />improvements within the Arden Oaks area for 2022, this can be seen in Attachment A. The value <br />shown in the above budgeted amount included Eide Circle, Indian Circle and Indian Place. Those <br />streets were rehabilitated in 2020 as part of the Public Works In-house paving project so they have <br />been removed. The proposed area now consists of Arden Oaks Drive and Arden Oaks Court which <br />includes approximately 40 single family homes and is generally referred to as the Arden Oaks <br />Neighborhood. A map depicting the project area is provided in Attachment B. <br />Residential development of Arden Oaks began in 1982, with the earliest homes shown to be built <br />in 1983. Along with the development, public utilities were constructed for sanitary sewer and <br />water main, the condition of this infrastructure is described in the Preliminary Scope of Work <br />section. Through City pavement management records, the latest structural project type for the <br />street was a mill & overlay constructed in 1996. Non-structural projects were seal coating in 2000, <br />another seal coat in 2012, and routine pot hole and patching maintenance to present. The typical <br />life cycle of a road since a structural type project is 20-25 years, which puts this area in the <br />category for pavement rehabilitation.