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City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for April 7, 2021 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2021\21-001 - BSC Bldg 14 Addition - APUD\PC Packets <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />2.1355.04 Procedural Requirements for Specific Applications <br />A public hearing for a PUD Amendment request is required before the request can be brought <br />before the City Council. The applicant or its representative shall be given the opportunity to appear <br />before the Planning Commission to answer questions or give explanations regarding the proposal. <br />Upon completion of the public hearing and its study and consideration of the application, the <br />Planning Commission shall submit its written report, containing its findings, conclusions, and <br />recommendations as to the application, to the City Council. <br />Under Section 1355.06 subd.4, an application for an amendment shall be administered in the same <br />manner as required for a new application. Any structural alteration, enlargement or intensification <br />change in site plan, or similar change not specially permitted, shall require City Council action and <br />all procedures shall apply as if a new application were being requested; provided, however, that <br />when such changes are deemed to be insignificant by the Zoning Administrator, the requirements <br />of a public hearing may be waived. <br />Additional Review <br />Building Official <br />The Building Official has reviewed the plans and has no additional comments at this time. A <br />Building Permit will be required prior to any construction taking place. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />The Public Works Director/City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has provided the Applicant <br />with a comment letter (Attachment D) and all comments shall be adopted herein by reference as a <br />condition of approval. <br />Findings of Fact <br />The Planning Commission must make a finding as to whether or not the proposed application <br />would adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood or the community as a whole based on the <br />aforementioned factors. Staff offers the following findings for consideration: <br />1. The Boston Scientific campus at 4100 Hamline Avenue North operates under a Planned <br />Unit Development (PUD) that was originally approved in 2002 for the Guidant <br />Corporation. <br />2. The last update to the PUD and Campus Master Plan took place in in 2020 when the City <br />approved a loading dock addition to the South side of Building 10 (Planning Case 19- <br />018). <br />3. New building construction or site modification identified on the approved Campus <br />Master Plan requires the submittal of a Site Plan Review application prior to construction. <br />4. For building construction or site modifications not included on the Master Plan, a PUD <br />Amendment is required. <br />5. The proposed addition to Building 14 is not shown on the current Master Plan. <br />6. A public hearing for a PUD Amendment request is required before the request can be <br />brought before the City Council. <br />7. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 7, 2021.