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Mr. David Grant <br />Boston Scientific – Building 14 Expansion <br />Response to Neighbor Letter <br />12 March 2021 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />With that said, specific responses to the concerns set forth in the Arden Hill Residents’ Letter are as follows: <br /> <br />I. NOISE CONCERNS <br /> <br />a. Garbage: Emptying the oversized compactor occurs daily between the hours of 5:20 – 6:00 a.m. <br />on the northwestern most position of the property, a site not currently screened by any physical <br />structure. This is not only unsettling but an unwanted daily alarm for the closest residents. This <br />continues to be out of compliance for the City of Arden Hills Code: 660.04 Collection and Licensing <br />Subd 4. <br /> <br />i. Subd. 4. No person, company, or corporation shall collect or remove garbage, refuse, recyclable <br />materials, or other mixed municipal solid waste in any residential district or from any property <br />sharing a property line with a residential district in which the collection can cause a negative <br />impact to the adjacent residential district (i.e., noise, odors), except between the hours of 6:00 <br />a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. <br /> <br />We brought this to Mike Mrosla’s attention in December 2020 and he stated it would be immediately <br />addressed but even after 60+ days this remains a persistent issue. <br /> <br />Response: Boston Scientific was first introduced to this concern during the December 14th <br />Neighborhood Review Meeting. The day following the meeting, our facility staff reached out to all <br />on-site service vendors requesting they abide by city ordinance 660.4, Subd.4 and to stay within <br />the allotted time frames. It was noted by Arden Hills Planning Manager Mike Mrolsa that the very <br />next day Waste Management arrived at the facility at 6:05am. <br /> <br />Boston Scientific understands that there have been a few occurrences since the December 14th <br />meeting where refuse collection happened prior to 6:00am. Additional corrective actions are in <br />place with continual monitoring of the area, such as; weekly touchpoints with Waste Management, <br />evaluation of other suppliers, signage at refuse compactor to stipitate allowable collection times, <br />and daily review of security footage to verify compliance. Boston Scientific will continue to take <br />action in order to comply with the city ordinance. <br /> <br />b. Commercial HVAC Equipment: Current operations entail the air handling units running 24/7. <br />Varying degrees of noise are emitted from these pieces of equipment and that needs to be studied <br />in their current, future, and max-output operation for noise emission. Adding to the current noise <br />levels will be two and likely three additional pieces of equipment mounted to the roof structure. The <br />increase in noise of these running simultaneously is yet to be understood. The new height would <br />be unobstructed by trees and noise will surely increase the noise level in surrounding <br />neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Response: Boston Scientific completed a noise study in January of 2021 which captured ambient <br />noise readings at two un-obstructed locations on the NW property line for a period of 24 hours. <br />Results indicated that noise levels generated by existing HVAC equipment on the roof did not <br />exceed the nighttime L50 levels for residential land use (based on our nearest receiver). <br /> <br />The expansion project will not substantially increase noise emissions. The design of the <br />building expansion incorporates a mechanical penthouse that is designed to protect the HVAC