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Page 3 of 7 <br />2. Design Standards - Section 1325.05 and 1325.05 <br />A. Lighting – Additional Information Requested <br />The Applicant is proposing the addition of stadium lighting around the football field and track, <br />along the bleachers, and around the practice field. Section 1325.05 Subd. 3 requires lighting in all <br />districts to direct light away from adjoining lots and public streets. Direct or sky-reflected glare, <br />from floodlights or high temperature processes such as combustion or welding, shall not be <br />directed at any adjoining lots or public streets. All lighting proposed by the Applicant will face <br />downward onto the fields. Section 1325.05 Subd. 3 also requires the source of illuminate to be <br />hooded, concealed or controlled in a manner so as to direct the lighting pattern only on the site to <br />which the lighting is intended. The Applicant is proposing lighting fixtures that are shielded on all <br />four sides to direct the lighting down towards the fields. For information about the Applicant’s <br />lighting plan can be found in Attachment E. <br />Any light or combination of lights shall not cast light that exceeds a meter reading of one foot <br />candle on the travel lanes of adjoining public streets or 0.4 foot candles on adjoining residential <br />property. The maximum illumination at the property line is 1.28 foot candles. All illumination <br />readings over 0.4 foot candles are located at least 200 feet from the nearest residential property. <br />Given the downward facing direction of the stadium lighting and the fields’ distance from any <br />residential properties, staff do not anticipate any issues with regard to lighting. However, as a <br />condition of approval staff recommends the Applicant be required to provide photometric <br />calculations for the lighting at the property lines of all adjacent residential properties. <br />B. Screening and Fencing – Meets Requirements <br />Screens and fencing help minimize adverse impacts of public nuisances, such as noise, glare, <br />activity, or dust. The football and practice field update will be screened using a mix of landscaping <br />and fencing. The proposed project includes upgrades to the fencing around the football and practice