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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />A significant portion of the report is focused on an analysis of two design alternatives for Snelling <br />Avenue North extending to the south of County Road E (Area 1). Alternative 1 consisting of road <br />improvements that include the addition of a pedestrian trail along the west side of the roadway. <br />Alternative 2 consists of roadway improvements that exclude the trail construction, but maintains 8-ft <br />wide paved shoulders along the length of the road. <br /> <br />Based on the December 21, 2020 Work Session discussions, the City Council requested staff to <br />consider additional measures that could be incorporated into the design for Alternative 2 to provide <br />additional safety measures for pedestrians using the west shoulder area. Six additional strategies were <br />added to page 13 and page 14 of the feasibility report and it states that these strategies should be <br />further developed during the design process. Since the last Work Session, additional Public comments <br />have been added to Appendix J. The recommendations are outlined in section 7 of the feasibility <br />report. <br /> <br />Attached is Resolution 2021-022 which receives the feasibility report and orders the public hearing be <br />held on April 26, 2021. Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution in order to have this project <br />proceed to a public hearing. If adopted, staff would mail notices to each property owner in the <br />proposed assessment area stating the time of the hearing, the general nature of the improvements, the <br />estimated project cost, the proposed assessment area, and an estimate of the assessment amount. <br /> <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />Proposed project funding sources are a combination of the City’s Permanent Improvement Revolving <br />(PIR) fund, utility funds, Ramsey County, Municipal State Aid, and special assessments for street <br />improvements described in section 5 of the feasibility report and summarized in the following table. <br /> <br /> Area 1: Snelling Avenue North from CR E to Highway 51, including Bussard Ct. intersection <br />Area 2: Roundabout Intersection Improvements at Snelling Ave and County Road E <br />Alternative 1: Reconstruction with addition of pedestrian trail <br />Alternative 2: Full depth reclamation with no trail construction <br /> <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A: Feasibility Report <br />Attachment B: Resolution 2021-022