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18 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary 6.23 The sewer lot area dimensions can only be used if publicly owned sewer system service is available to the property; 6.24 Residential subdivisions with dwelling unit densities exceeding those in Sections 6.25 and 6.26 are allowed only if designed and approved as residential PUDs under Section 10.0 of this ordinance; and 6.25 Lake Minimum Lot Area and Width Standards: A. General development lake – No sewer. B. General development lake – Sewer C. Recreational development lake – No sewer Lot Type Riparian Lot Area (sf) Riparian Lot Width (ft) Nonriparian Lot Area (sf) Nonriparian Lot Width (ft) Single 20,000 100 40,000 150 Duplex 40,000 180 80,000 265 Triplex 60,000 260 120,000 375 Quad 80,000 340 160,000 490 Lot Type Riparian Lot Area (sf) Riparian Lot Width (ft) Nonriparian Lot Area (sf) Nonriparian Lot Width (ft) Single 15,000 75 10,000 75 Duplex 26,000 135 17,500 135 Triplex 38,000 195 25,000 190 Quad 49,000 255 32,500 245 Lot Type Riparian Lot Area (sf) Riparian Lot Width (ft) Nonriparian Lot Area (sf) Nonriparian Lot Width (ft) Single 40,000 150 40,000 150 Duplex 80,000 225 80,000 265 Triplex 120,000 300 120,000 375 Quad 160,000 375 160,000 490 6.25. Local governments may want to require larger lot area and width standards than those listed. Larger lots reduce density and risk of surface water use overcrowding and preserve lakeshore character. Larger lots also reduce the amount of development and impervious surfaces along sensitive shorelines providing protection to waters sensitive to nutrient pollution.