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29 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary (7) Fill or excavated material must not be placed in bluff impact zones; (8) Any alterations below the ordinary high water level of public waters must first be authorized by the commissioner under Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G; (9) Alterations of topography are only allowed if they are accessory to permitted or conditional uses and do not adversely affect adjacent or nearby properties; and (10)Placement of natural rock riprap, including associated grading of the shoreline and placement of a filter blanket, is permitted if: (a) the finished slope does not exceed three feet horizontal to one-foot vertical; (b) the landward extent of the riprap is within ten feet of the ordinary high water level; and (c) the height of the riprap above the ordinary high water level does not exceed three feet (see Figure 10). Figure 10. Riprap Guidelines 8.34 Connections to public waters. Excavations to connect boat slips, canals, lagoons, and harbors to public waters require a public waters permit and must comply with Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6115. 8.4 Stormwater Management. 8.41 General Standards: A. When possible, existing natural drainageways, and vegetated soil surfaces must be used to convey, store, filter, and retain stormwater runoff before discharge to public waters. B. Development must be planned and conducted in a manner that will minimize the extent of disturbed areas, runoff velocities, erosion potential, and reduce and delay runoff volumes. Disturbed areas 8.34. DNR permits for public water excavations require that the local government have a DNR-approved shoreland zoning ordinance (Minnesota Statute, Section 103G.245, Subd. 8(1)) as a condition of a public water permit approval. The DNR may deny a permit for public waters excavations if there is no shoreland ordinance or if the current ordinance is not consistent with the ordinance the DNR has approved. 8.41. These are common stormwater management BMPs. If any of these specific provisions exist elsewhere in a local ordinance and are similar, they may be omitted here.