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Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM – 1A <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: April 19, 2021 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Dave Perrault, City Administrator SUBJECT: Tony Schmidt Park Concerns <br /> <br />Budgeted Amount: Actual Amount: Funding Source: <br />N/A N/A N/A <br /> Background The City of Arden Hills City Council has expressed concerns to Ramsey County Commissioner <br />Nicole Frethem about pedestrian and bicycle access to Tony Schmidt Regional Park. Following <br />an exchange of letters, the City Council invited Commissioner Frethem to attend a work session <br />and have a discussion. Commissioner Frethem will be present at this meeting. The letters <br />exchanged are attached to this e-mail (Attachments A thru C). It is worth noting that the Ramey <br />County Deputies that provide police protection to the City of Arden Hills spend approximately <br />25 percent of their time on Lake Johanna Blvd as it historically has an issue with speed and other <br />dangerous driving conditions. A heat map of their citations issued for 2019 is attached for <br />reference (see Attachment D). Lastly, the County has recently issued an RFP for a corridor study, <br />which includes Lake Johanna Blvd. This corridor study would evaluate potential projects along <br />the road, the County may also want to provide an update on this item, too. Budget Impact N/A Attachment Attachment A: December 11, 2020 Letter to Commissioner Frethem <br />Attachment B: January 11, 2021 Letter from Commissioner Frethem <br />Attachment C: January 7, 2021 Letter from Ted Schoenecker, Ramsey County Public Works <br />Director <br />Attachment D: Heat Map of Traffic Citations Issued