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<br />187184v1 34 <br />COVERAGE PROVIDED <br /> <br /> Operations of Contractor: Yes____ No____ Government Immunity is Waived Yes____ No____ <br /> Operations of Sub-Contractor (Contingent): Yes____ No____ Property Damage Liability Includes <br /> Does Personal Injury Include Damage Due to Blasting Yes____ No____ <br /> Claims Related to Employment: Yes____ No____ Damage Due to Collapse Yes____ No____ <br /> Completed Operations/Products: Yes____ No____ Damage To Underground Facilities Yes____ No____ <br /> Contractual Liability (Broad Form): Yes____ No____ Broad Form Property Damage Yes____ No____ <br />EXCEPTIONS: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY <br /> <br />POLICY #________________________ EFFECTIVE DATE: ___/___/___ EXPIRATION DATE: ___/___/___ <br /> <br />INSURANCE COMPANY: _______________________________________ <br /> ( )Any Auto ( )All Owned Autos ( )Scheduled Autos <br /> ( )Hired Autos ( )Non-Owned Autos <br /> <br />LIMITS: <br /> Bodily Injury $_________ Each Person / $________ Each Occurrence OR Combined Single Limit $__________ <br /> Property Damage $_____________ Each Occurrence <br /> <br /> <br />UMBRELLA EXCESS LIABILITY <br /> <br />POLICY #_____________________ EFFECTIVE DATE:____/____/____ EXPIRATION DATE:____/____/____ <br /> <br />INSURANCE COMPANY_________________________________________ <br /> <br />LIMITS: Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage <br /> <br /> $_______________Each Occurrence $__________________Aggregate <br /> <br />COVERAGE PROVIDED: <br /> Applies in excess of the coverages listed above for Employers' Liability, General Liability, and Automobile Liability: <br /> <br /> Yes_____ No_____ <br /> <br /> Are any deductibles applicable to bodily injury or property damage on any of the above coverages? <br /> <br /> Yes_____ No_____ If So, List Amount $________________ <br /> <br /> <br />AGENT CARRIES ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE: Yes_____No_____ <br /> <br />Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will <br />mail 30 days notice to the parties to whom this certificate is issued. <br /> <br /> <br />Dated at: ________________________ On: _______________________ By: ____________________________ <br /> <br />MN License #________ <br />Authorized Insurance Representative