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5 <br />203267v1 <br />responsible for all costs incurred by the City in repairing and/or replacing the trail and/or recreational <br />stations (which costs shall not include any costs associated with maintenance performed by the City <br />in accordance with the City’s standard maintenance practices for similar trails and facilities). <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, Owner shall not be responsible for reimbursing the City for any of <br />the foregoing repair and/or replacement costs to the extent such work is required as a result of the <br />City’s negligence or intentional misconduct. Owner shall pay the amounts due for repairs and <br />replacements under this Section 6.B. within sixty (60) days after the City delivers a reasonably <br />detailed invoice for such costs to Owner along with any other reasonable supporting documentation <br />that may be necessary to evidence the amounts claimed due. In the event Owner fails to pay such <br />amounts within said sixty (60) day period or in the event Owner fails to pay the Maintenance Fee <br />for any given year by January 31 of said calendar year, the City may assess such unpaid amounts <br />owed to the Owner’s property taxes, its successors and assigns. It is expressly understood and agreed <br />that the Owner is under no obligation to maintain, repair, or replace said trail or recreational stations, <br />and in no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the Owner. The <br />City agrees that it is, and will be, solely responsible for legal claims and addressing complaints <br />brought by any third party regarding the maintenance, repair, replacement, and operation of said trail <br />and recreational stations, except to the extent arising from the Owner’s breach of this Agreement or <br />the Owner’s negligence or intentional misconduct. The City expressly agrees to defend and hold the <br />Owner harmless from any such third-party claim. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, <br />Owner’s responsibility for the payment of costs incurred by the City for the maintenance, and repair, <br />and replacement of the asphalt trail and the recreational stations referenced hereinlocated within City <br />Property, excluding the Fire Lane, shall terminate and be assumed by City upon completion of a <br />future paved City trail extension from the City Property to Gateway Boulevard and Round Lake <br />Road. <br />7. Construction and Maintenance of Fire Lane. Owner shall install and be <br />responsible for all costs incurred in the installation of a fire lane in accordance with the plans and <br />specifications identified in the Plans (the “Fire Lane”). <br />A. The Owner, at its sole cost and expense, agrees to provide for the regular <br />maintenance of the fFire lLane as though it was located entirely within the CityOwner Property. <br />For the purposes of this Agreement, “regular maintenance” shall include, but is not necessarily <br />limited to, inspecting, crack filling, minor road improvements, tree trimming, tree removal, <br />snowplowing, sanding, signing, and removal of obstructions (e.g., a downed trees). <br />B. No machinery, trailers, vehicles, or other property may be stored or parked upon <br />the fFire lLane.Portions of the fire lane located abutting the park shall be available for public <br />recreational use. <br />C. If the Owner fails to maintain regular maintenance and keep the fFire lLane in good <br />condition, the City may repair or replace the fire lane, after adequate notice to the Owner and <br />opportunity for the Owner to take appropriate action to maintain, repair, or replace the fFire lLane <br />(which notice and cure period shall not be less than 60 days in duration). The Owner shall be <br />responsible for all costs incurred by the City under this subsection 7.C. <br />Commented [JG1]:This is covered by the easement <br />granted in 7.D. below