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Revised 10/03/2019 Shoreland Management Model Ordinance Introduction This model is intended to help local governments develop new shoreland ordinances and amend existing ordinances. This model ordinance is consistent with Minnesota’s shoreland management rules (6120.2500 – 6120.3800). The model ordinance includes some provisions that differ from those in rule. This is because the model is periodically updated to be consistent with changes made to statute and other agency rules since the rules were published in 1989. The model also contains administrative language not in rule to help clarify and administer provisions in the ordinance. Clarifications & Higher Standards Blue bold text in the “Ordinance Language” column indicates any language that provides clarity on topics not sufficiently addressed in rule, or reflects a higher standard than the minimum in rule. This text is optional and is identified as such in the “Commentary” column. (Note that higher standards may be additions to or deletions from the rules.) There are many higher standards that communities can consider besides those mentioned in this model. Please see the Innovative Standards Webpage for examples of what other communities are doing. Implementation Flexibility Some shoreland ordinance provisions provide greater levels of shoreland protection than other provisions. Many of these provisions deal with dimensional standards such as lot area/width, setbacks, impervious surface, etc. In general, they must be as strict as the model language, otherwise deviations must be approved by the DNR consistent with the implementation flexibility criteria in rule (6120.2800 Subp. 3). Approval to deviate from these provisions usually requires some type of offsetting higher standard on another provision in the ordinance, and must be negotiated and documented in an agreement with the DNR before the DNR will provide conditional approval of the ordinance or ordinance amendment. Attachment C