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• County maintenance crews patched the deteriorating bituminous material that was in place <br />behind the curb in locations along Lake Johanna Boulevard to make it a little more traversable <br />by someone walking if they chose to walk there. <br />• The roadway had already been restriped in 2018 to a narrower lane width of 10-11’ in attempt <br />to provide more space on the shoulder and the sense of a narrower corridor for a driver to have <br />them slow down. No changes were made to this or any other striping or pavement markings <br />last year. <br />• The county was made aware of a vehicle striking a parked car on the shoulder south of Lake <br />Johanna so we examined the area to determine if alternative markings might help better <br />delineate this space. Hatch markings (similar to what has been installed on the Edgerton Street <br />bridge over I-694) were identified as something to install in an attempt to mitigate speeding <br />and drivers using the shoulder of the road. These markings will be installed after spring <br />sweeping is completed in this area and the temperatures are warm enough to allow <br />installation. <br /> <br />In our meeting with Arden Hills staff over the summer, we discussed the possibility of the county <br />leading a corridor study along Lake Johanna Boulevard to see what the needs are, conduct community <br />engagement, identify what a potential project could be and the costs associated with it. Any future <br />project that involved the construction of a trail along this corridor would require city financial <br />participation per the county’s Cost Participation Policy. At our meeting with city staff, they mentioned <br />that city funding was limited and that they were unsure if the city would be able to participate <br />financially in a future project. <br /> <br />We received several requests in our meetings with the cities this past summer to conduct similar types <br />of corridor studies for roadways within their communities. County funding availability and staff <br />availability to manage multiple studies is limited. County staff has recently met to discuss this and <br />determined that we will be conducting a corridor study along Lake Johanna Boulevard in the upcoming <br />year along with a few other roadway corridors in the county. We will work with your staff as we <br />develop the request for proposals for the corridor. <br /> <br />It would be helpful to gain a better understanding on the city’s willingness to participate financially in a <br />corridor study and/or in any future construction project on Lake Johanna Boulevard. We look forward <br />to hearing from you or your staff on this matter. <br /> <br /> <br />Cc: <br />Nicole Frethem, County Commissioner <br />Dave Perrault, City Administrator <br />Todd Blomstrom, Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />Joel Jamnik, City Attorney <br />Ryan O’Connor, County Administrator <br />Brad Estochen, County Traffic Engineer