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8 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary 2.552 Significant historic site. Any archaeological site, standing structure, or other property that meets the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or is listed in the State Register of Historic Sites, or is determined to be an unplatted cemetery that falls under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 307.08. A historic site meets these criteria if it is presently listed on either register or if it is determined to meet the qualifications for listing after review by the Minnesota state archaeologist or the director of the Minnesota Historical Society. All unplatted cemeteries are automatically considered to be significant historic sites. 2.553 Steep slope. Land where agricultural activity or development is either not recommended or described as poorly suited due to slope steepness and the site’s soil characteristics, as mapped and described in available county soil surveys or other technical reports, unless appropriate design and construction techniques and farming practices are used in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Where specific information is not available, steep slopes are lLands having average slopes over 12 percent, as measured over horizontal distances of 50 feet or more, which are not bluffs. 2.554 Structure. Any building or appurtenance, including decks, except aerial or underground utility lines, such as sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph, gas lines, towers, poles, and other supporting facilities. 2.555 Subdivision. Land that is divided for the purpose of sale, rent, or lease, including planned unit developments. 2.556 Suitability analysis. An evaluation of land to determine if it is appropriate for the proposed use. The analysis considers factors relevant to the proposed use and may include the following features: susceptibility to flooding; existence of wetlands; soils, erosion potential; slope steepness; water supply, sewage treatment capabilities; water depth, depth to groundwater and bedrock, vegetation, near-shore aquatic conditions unsuitable for water-based recreation; fish and wildlife habitat; presence of significant historic sites; or any other relevant feature of the natural land. 2.557 Variance. “Variance” means the same as that defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 394.27 Subd. 7 (for counties) or Section 462.357 Subd. 6 (2) (for municipalities). 2.558 Water-oriented accessory structure or facility. A small, above ground building or other improvement, except stairways, fences, docks, and retaining walls, which, because of the relationship of its use to surface water, reasonably needs to be located closer to public waters than the normal structure setback. Examples of such structures and facilities include, watercraft and watercraft equipment storage structures, gazebos, screen houses, fish houses, pump houses, saunas, patios, and detached decks. Boathouses and boat storage structures given the meaning under Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.245 are not a water-oriented accessory structures. 2.559 Water-dependent use. The use of land for commercial, industrial, public or semi-public purposes, where access to and use of a public water is an integral part of the normal conduct of operation. Marinas, 2.553. Optional deletion. This is a difficult definition to administer. Simplifying this definition to include only average slopes over 12% will make administration easier and improve resource protection. 2.558. Optional addition. Local governments may consider saunas, decks, and patios as water-oriented accessory structures (WOAS). This may help clarify administration. The treatment of patios, specifically, in the shore impact zone (SIZ) is a common source of confusion. As a WOAS, patios could be allowed in the SIZ and counted towards the size limitation of WOAS in Section 7.3.