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05-05-21 Planning Commission
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05-05-21 Planning Commission
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4/29/2021 3:57:38 PM
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4/29/2021 3:55:00 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – April 7, 2021 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Conditional Use Permit Evaluation Findings: <br />9. The proposed plan is not anticipated to have any impact on traffic or parking conditions <br />because the additions do not include an increase in football field seating. <br />10. The proposed plan includes the addition of LED lights and will increase illumination <br />around the football fields. <br />11. The proposed plan will not produce any permanent noise, odors, vibration, smoke, dust, <br />air pollution, heat, liquid, or solid waste, and other nuisance characteristics. <br />12. The proposed plan will impact drainage on the site. <br />13. The proposed plan will not impact population density. <br />14. The proposed plan is not expected to have a visual impact on surrounding properties or <br />on land use compatibility with uses and structures on surrounding land or adjoining land <br />values because the new additions will not be easily visible from outside the Bethel <br />University campus. <br />15. Park dedication requirements are not applicable. <br />16. The proposed plan does not conflict with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning <br />Code or the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Bemus recommended approval of Planning Case 21-002 for a Conditional <br />Use Permit Amendment and Site Plan Review at 3900 Bethel Drive, based on the findings of fact <br />and the submitted plans, as amended by the conditions in the April 7, 2021, Report to the <br />Planning Commission: <br /> <br />a. All conditions of the original Conditional Use Permit shall remain in full force and effect. <br />b. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, all items identified in the March 11, 2021 <br />Engineering Division memo shall be addressed. All comments shall be adopted herein by <br />reference. <br />c. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by the <br />conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br />Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br />d. The proposed structures shall conform to all other regulations in the City Code. <br />e. A Grading and Erosion permit shall be obtained from the city’s Engineering Division <br />prior to commencing any grading, land disturbance or utility activities. The Applicant <br />shall be responsible for obtaining any permits necessary from other agencies, including <br />but not limited to, MPCA, Rice Creek Watershed District, and Ramsey County prior to <br />the start of any site activities. <br />f. Heavy duty silt fence and adequate erosion control around the entire construction site <br />shall be required and maintained by the Developer during construction to ensure that <br />sediment and storm water does not leave the project site. <br />g. The Applicant shall be responsible for protecting the proposed on-site storm sewer <br />infrastructure and components and any existing storm sewer from exposure to any and all <br />stormwater runoff, sediments and debris during all construction activities. <br />h. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a landscape financial security equal to 125% of <br />the cost of the landscaping to be installed on the site shall be submitted. The Applicant <br />must submit a detailed cost estimate for the landscaping so staff can determine the final <br />amount. Landscape financial security shall be held for two full growing seasons.
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