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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – APRIL 19, 2021 13 <br /> <br />Committee is recommending the status quo for ongoing operations. The City’s mitigation <br />measures were discussed in further detail with the Council and it was noted the Personnel <br />Committee was not recommending any changes at this time. We are still waiting on guidance from <br />the State regarding usage of the additional stimulus money that was passed by the Federal <br />Government. When we have guidance, another discussion will be brought forward to Council for <br />consideration on how to utilize those funds. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant reported Ramsey County employees were a Level 1 in priority. He noted it was his <br />understanding an invitation was sent out to all City staff offering vaccinations on April 13, 2021. <br />He stated he wanted to make Council aware of the fact all City staff was invited to be vaccinated. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes commented City Hall is closed to the general public. She explained there <br />was 50% of the staff still working at City Hall. She asked why City Hall was closed to the general <br />public. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant reported the Council wanted to protect staff and the general public. He indicated <br />things seem to be working under the current staffing model. He noted this was a fluid situation <br />and as more people get vaccinated, maybe Minnesota will not be on the list of hot spots. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes discussed the summer hours and explained even though people were <br />working from home, they were still working. She suggested the Council consider summer hours, <br />because employees were still working. She indicated she was uncertain how this would impact the <br />Public Works Department. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen commented there is a benefit to having longer hours <br />during the week for the Public Works crews, especially during paving operations. He indicated his <br />crews get more work done during those four days and Fridays are used to clean and reset <br />equipment. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden indicated the Council could initiate summer hours at any time. She <br />recommended the Council wait on this for 30 days until further information was provided from the <br />governor. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding how the summer hours impacted the public. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott indicated he was very anxious to get back to normal as quickly as possible. <br />He stated the more people that get vaccinated the more things will start to open up. However, he <br />noted the numbers were going in the wrong direction at this time. For this reason, he <br />recommended the staffing model remain as is, with City Hall closed to the public with no summer <br />hours in order to have staff available to the public on Friday afternoons. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant commented on the rate people were being vaccinated and noted regulations could <br />change in the next 30 days. He asked what the Public Works Department would prefer to do this <br />summer. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen indicated he would prefer to have his department <br />work four nine-hour days Monday through Thursday and then have a shorter day on Friday. <br />