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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION – APRIL 26, 2021 2 <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier explained the proposed lot is within the Red Fox/Grey <br />Fox/Lexington Avenue Business Area which is discussed in the Land Use Chapter. This area <br />includes Red Fox and Grey Fox roads and is bounded by Lexington Avenue, Highway 51, <br />Interstate 694, and the Canadian Pacific railway. This area is used by a number of small and large <br />businesses for a variety of retail, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, and office uses. This <br />area was largely developed between the 1950’s and 1970’s, though the retail area along Lexington <br />Avenue has had some new development and redevelopment in the last 15 years. This area is <br />marked as an area of possible redevelopment. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier commented the Property is currently owned by STORE Capitol. <br />The site is currently developed as a vacant industrial building with an associated parking lot. The <br />Applicant is proposing to develop the parcel as a new +/- 19,480 square foot ALDI grocery store <br />and an additional pad site with an +/- 5,300 square foot building purposed for a quick serve <br />restaurant (~ 3,500 square feet) and bank (~1,800 square feet). The proposed development is <br />planned for construction 2021-2022. The Aldi building is proposed to be located in the northwest <br />corner of the site, with the supporting restaurant and bank in the northeast corner. The Subject <br />Property includes one access point off of Grey Fox Road. Staff commented further on the <br />proposal and requested comment from the Council. <br /> <br />Dan Terwilliger, Director of Development at Launch Properties, introduced himself and his team <br />to the Council. He stated a year ago he began working with staff on this project. He reported <br />Launch Properties completes retail projects all over the metro area. He discussed how exciting this <br />project was as it would redevelop an industrial property that was located in a retail pocket. <br /> <br />Ryan Anderson, ISG , explained he was an architect speaking on behalf of Aldi. He indicated <br />Aldi was a 20,000 square foot grocer that has been adding stores in the metro area. He noted Aldi <br />builds steel buildings with full brick that would meet City Code. He estimated Aldi would need 95 <br />parking stalls. He understood this was a tight site, but Aldi was comfortable with the proposed <br />concept plan. He reported Aldi would receive one, maybe two truck deliveries per day. He <br />commented further on the landscaping plan and how the plantings would improve the property. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott stated he was confused to which side of the lot was the front lot line. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden agreed this was confusing. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier stated she would have to investigate this further. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant questioned why the applicant was only proposing to cover 14% of the lot with <br />landscaping when 25% was the City’s requirement. <br /> <br />Mr. Anderson reported the existing site was currently 5% landscaped. He discussed how he had <br />maximized the site in order to meet the needs of Aldi, the required parking and had improved the <br />green space. He reiterated that this was a tight space. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if Mr. Anderson had more information to present to the Council. <br />