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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – APRIL 26, 2021 2 <br /> <br />Mayor Grant requested staff review this matter with Mr. Wakabayashi and report back at the <br />next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. He explained he was aware that there was more <br />than one water bill that staff was researching. <br /> <br />Gregg Larson, 3377 North Snelling Avenue, called to the Council’s attention that the meeting <br />packet appeared to have a different Zoom link for this meeting than the Zoom link included in a <br />notice he had received. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant noted the City had four Public Hearings this evening. He requested staff investigate <br />that the links were properly published for tonight’s meeting. <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault reported after checking each of the links within the Public Hearing <br />notices it appears all of the links were posted correctly. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen stated that residents may be referencing an earlier <br />notice from the City about the Snelling Avenue project which would have had a Zoom link for a <br />meeting that took place on another date and time. He concurred that this current mailing notice, <br />which was provided to the properties that would be directly affected by special assessments, did in <br />fact contain the correct Zoom link for tonight’s meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden commented by that looking at the number of people that were attending <br />the meeting virtually, she believed residents were finding the correct link for the meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant thanked Mr. Larson for bringing this concern to the Council’s attention. <br /> <br />3. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />4. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS <br /> <br />A. Proclamation Recognizing May 16-22, 2021 as National Public Works Week <br /> <br />Mayor Grant read a proclamation in full for the record declaring May 16 through May 22, 2021 <br />to be National Public Works Week in the City of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes to approve the <br />Proclamation Recognizing May 16-22, 2021 as National Public Works Week. <br />A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried (4-0). <br /> <br />5. STAFF COMMENTS <br /> <br />A. COVID-19 Update <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault provided the Council with an update on how the City was <br />responding to COVID-19. He encouraged residents to visit the City’s website for the most current <br />and up to date information regarding COVID-19. He reported the Minnesota Department of