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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – APRIL 26, 2021 7 <br /> <br />proposed trail was extremely pivotal for safety reasons. She commented on how much more her <br />children have been biking since COVID happened, because the level of traffic on the streets was <br />lower. She stated she would love for her children to be able to experience all of Arden Hills, but <br />this was being hindered due to the lack of a trail along Old Snelling Avenue. She encouraged the <br />City to pursue more than two options in order to find the best and most affordable solution for the <br />City. She commented further on the benefit of having a complete route around Lake Johanna. <br /> <br />Doug Lieser, 1434 Bussard Court, supported Option 1 for Area 1. He explained he had safety <br />concerns and would like to see a trail completed. He noted he has two small children and noted <br />his kids and all people in the neighborhood would benefit from a trail. He recommended a curbed <br />trail system be pursued. <br /> <br />Patrick Burlingame, 3590 Snelling Avenue North, thanked the Council for their time. He <br />questioned why his property was not being assessed for this project. He indicated the City cannot <br />promise anything and also cannot take bribery from residents because they want a trail. He <br />explained this roadway has a shoulder where people can walk. He noted he lives on the end of a <br />frontage road that is awkward. He discussed the design of Highway 51 and reported there was <br />shoddy planning and poor soils under this roadway. He did not believe the City could be trusted <br />to finish a project. He recommended the shoulder be used for walking. He suggested if a trail <br />was considered that it be built from County Road E and Snelling Avenue to Lake Johanna. He <br />indicated he was not resistant to a roundabout. He reported studies show that roundabouts were a <br />safer option. He supported a roundabout being built per State guidelines. He stated he did not <br />support paying more money in order to get a trail. <br /> <br />Ms. Hoffman expressed her concern with the current state of the intersection. She noted she has <br />three young children and reported there was little to no room for walkers to safely cross this <br />intersection. She suggested the lane widths be repainted in order to improve pedestrian safety. <br /> <br />Kathy Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, encouraged the City to consider Gregg Larson’s suggestions. <br />She stated she did not want to see any trees lost along this roadway or that the trail be brought <br />closer to homes. She discussed how the installation of curb and gutter would impact the street. <br />She requested the speed limit for this roadway be reduced from 40 miles per hour to 30 miles per <br />hour. She suggested the City reconsider the options for this project prior to moving it forward. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant closed the public hearing at 8:22 p.m. <br /> <br />B. Amended Planned Unit Development and Site Plan – Boston Scientific – 4100 <br />Hamline Avenue N – PC 21-001 <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier stated the Boston Scientific campus at 4100 Hamline Avenue <br />North operates under a Planned Unit Development (PUD) that was originally approved in 2002 <br />for the Guidant Corporation. The last update to the PUD and Campus Master Plan took place in <br />2020 when the City approved a loading dock addition to the South side of Building 10. Before <br />that, in 2017, the City approved a 5,330 square foot building addition on the northeast corner of <br />Building 9 (Planning Case 17-013). New building construction or site modification identified on <br />the approved Campus Master Plan requires the submittal of a Site Plan Review application prior <br />to construction. For building construction or site modifications not included on the Master Plan, a