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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – APRIL 19, 2021 2 <br /> <br />Lake Johanna Boulevard. This corridor study would evaluate potential projects along the road. He <br />noted Commissioner Nicole Frethem and Ramsey County Public Works Director Ted Schoenecker <br />were present at this meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes requested further information on the corridor study. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Commissioner Nicole Frethem reported the study was budgeted for and would <br />be completed in 2021. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Public Works Director Ted Schoenecker discussed the corridor study and <br />noted the County had an RFP out at this time. He explained the study would take a look at Lake <br />Johana Boulevard from County Road D to Old Snelling Avenue with the primary focus being o n <br />pedestrian and bike facilities, and that it would likely be a six month process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if there would be any community engagement and questioned <br />what the timeline would be for the study. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Public Works Director Schoenecker indicated a preferred option would be <br />created in the next six months and then the County would begin investigating preliminary costs. <br />The County would then work with the City to work within their program, and to pursue federal <br />and state funding. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden inquired if funding would be sought for trails or the entire roadway. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Public Works Director Schoenecker stated this would depend on the findings <br />within the corridor study. He noted there was different funding from the Met Council for trails and <br />roadways. He commented further on how the corridor project would be worked into the County’s <br />five-year plan. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if any striping would be done or if all work on the corridor <br />would cease until the study was completed. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Public Works Director Schoenecker reported the striping was looked at by the <br />County and noted the traffic lanes were originally 12 feet wide and these were restriped to 11 feet. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated she appreciated the work the County would be doing, but noted <br />this project was a priority for the City and feared the County would pick and choose what would <br />be done in the community. She explained the City was focused on safety. She asked if it was <br />optional for the City to participate in the cost share program. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Commissioner Frethem reported it was not optional. She explained completing <br />the study was the first step to make a comprehensive improvement to the infrastructure. She <br />commented further on the corridor study that would be completed and described how this study <br />would create a preferred option for the community. She stated once the plan was done, the <br />County would have to decide how to fund the improvements. <br />