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Name: Todd A. Blomstrom <br />Date: October 8, 2020 <br />Page: 3 <br /> <br /> <br />With the bottom elevation of the upstream Manhole 2 at 872.44’ and using the proposed <br />parameters, the lead pump would turn on before wastewater would back up in the gravity pipe <br />as far as Manhole 2 and the entirety of the gravity pipe would empty into the wet well before <br />the station shuts off. Table 3, below, details the estimated costs associated with Option 1. <br /> <br /> <br />Table 3 - Option 1 Cost Estimate <br />Item Cost <br />Mobilization $15,000 <br />Allowance $10,000 <br />Site Grading/Restoration $7,000 <br />Existing Station Demo $6,000 <br />Bypass Pumping $15,000 <br />Pumps/Controls $87,000 <br />Electrical $15,000 <br />Control Panel Pad $4,000 <br />Site Work (Seeding, Drive, etc.) $7,000 <br />Valves, Piping, Misc. $20,000 <br />Construction Subtotal $186,000 <br />Contingencies (20%) $37,000 <br />Construction Total $223,000 <br /> <br /> <br />Option 2 - Replace the Existing Station <br />The second option includes constructing a new submersible lift station to replace the existing <br />station. A new deeper precast wet well would provide a greater distance from the influent <br />gravity pipe to the bottom of the structure, preventing flooding upstre am. Significant <br />components include the following: <br /> <br />- Construction of new duplex submersible lift station with precast wet well and valve vault <br />- Installation of new lift station controls and SCADA equipment <br />- Installation of two new submersible pumps and piping <br />- Demolition of existing wet well/valve vault lift station <br />Based on station operating data from recent years and the need to maintain minimum flow <br />velocity in the force main, the new submersible pumps would be rated for the same 100 gallon <br />per minute with a total dynamic head of 33 feet. Based on these parameters, the wet well <br />would consist of a 6’ diameter precast concrete manhole. However, to prevent the flooding of <br />the manholes upstream the base elevation of the Lift Station would be 868.5’, 25.5’ below <br />grade and deeper than the current wet well. Table 4 outlines the estimated costs associated <br />with Option 2. <br />