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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – APRIL 19, 2021 5 <br /> <br /> <br />B. Amendments to Development Agreement and Stormwater and Recreational <br />Facilities Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Arden Hills Senior Housing <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier stated at its July 22, 2019, the City Council approved Planning <br />Case 19-002 for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, <br />Preliminary Plat, and Site Plan Review for Summit Development. Summit Development is <br />proposing to construct a three story, 120-unit senior housing building which will include <br />independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing. On March 9, 2020, the City <br />Council approved the final plat and Development and PUD Agreement for this development. The <br />plat was recorded in August, 2020, but construction has been delayed due to COVID. The PUD <br />and CUP approvals expire on June 1, 2021, unless the City Council approves an extension or a <br />building permits application has been submitted. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reported after the agreements were approved in March, 2020, <br />Summit Development, the original developer, transferred the project to Trident Development. <br />This requires an amendment to the original Development and PUD Agreement to recognize the <br />change in developers. As part of the original approval, the developer agreed to construct an 8- <br />foot-wide bituminous trail with senior oriented workout stations. Each station will have senior <br />oriented fitness equipment. The proposed trail is connected to the trail along Snelling Avenue via <br />a trail along Parkshore Drive, but the nearest connection to the west is approximately ¼ mile <br />away. Because of this, the original agreement required the developer to maintain the interior trail <br />and workout stations until a future connection could be made. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier explained Trident Development is requesting a change to this <br />provision. The main motivation behind this request is insurability. Staff explained Trident <br />Development has proposed two options. Option 1 includes a one-time, upfront payment of <br />$100,000 to the City. In exchange, the inspection, maintenance, and repair of public trails and <br />exercise equipment located on city owned land would be the City’s responsibility. The developer <br />would continue to maintain stormwater pond and fire lane. This is the developer’s preferred <br />option. Option 2 would modify the agreement to shift the inspection, repair, and maintenance <br />responsibilities for the public trails and exercise equipment located on city-owned land, back to <br />the city. The developer would provide an annual payment to the City of up to $5,000 to cover the <br />costs of this maintenance. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier requested the Council discuss these options and provide staff with <br />direction on how to proceed. <br /> <br />Trident Development Vice President Patrick Brama explained he believed construction would <br />start at the end of May. He indicated his project would meet a great need in the community and he <br />was excited to be a part of this neighborhood. He commented further on the amendments he was <br />proposing to the Development Agreement. He reviewed the layout of the development as a whole <br />and noted where the two trail segments would be located. He noted the portions of the project he <br />was still willing to complete, but asked that the City take on the long term maintenance of the <br />trail. He reported this was becoming an insurability concern. He stated he would be willing to <br />make a $100,000 up front payment for the trail maintenance, or would be willing to make a <br />$5,000 payment to the City annually to cover maintenance costs. He explained he preferred the <br />first option.
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