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<br />-33- <br />NOTE 3 – CAPITAL ASSETS <br /> <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2020 was as follows: <br /> <br />A. Governmental Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Land 2,679,818$ –$ –$ –$ 2,679,818$ <br />Construction in progress 5,137,764 221,708 – (4,929,644) 429,828 <br />Total capital assets, not being depreciated 7,817,582 221,708 – (4,929,644) 3,109,646 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 6,967,774 – (70,504) 357,058 7,254,328 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 18,337,328 – – 4,572,586 22,909,914 <br />Machinery and equipment 938,089 13,222 – – 951,311 <br />Office furniture and equipment 153,553 – – – 153,553 <br />Vehicles 2,027,761 91,595 – – 2,119,356 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 28,424,505 104,817 (70,504) 4,929,644 33,388,462 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 3,441,571 194,847 (70,504) – 3,565,914 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 4,283,119 427,828 – – 4,710,947 <br />Machinery and equipment 593,960 78,347 – – 672,307 <br />Office furniture and equipment 122,137 10,777 – – 132,914 <br />Vehicles 812,388 185,572 – – 997,960 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 9,253,175 897,371 (70,504) – 10,080,042 <br />Total capital assets being depreciated – net 19,171,330 (792,554) – 4,929,644 23,308,420 <br />Governmental activities capital assets – net 26,988,912$ (570,846)$ –$ –$ 26,418,066$ <br /> B. Business-Type Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Business-type activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Construction in progress 3,193,168$ 196,064$ –$ (3,007,297)$ 381,935$ <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 835,040 – – – 835,040 <br />Distribution and collection systems 25,042,583 – – 2,921,227 27,963,810 <br />Machinery and equipment 555,228 – – 86,070 641,298 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – – – 8,415 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 26,441,266 – – 3,007,297 29,448,563 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 213,350 41,543 – – 254,893 <br />Distribution and collection systems 9,111,386 554,419 – – 9,665,805 <br />Machinery and equipment 292,752 18,833 – – 311,585 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – – – 8,415 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 9,625,903 614,795 – – 10,240,698 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated – net 16,815,363 (614,795) – 3,007,297 19,207,865 <br />Business-type activities capital assets – net 20,008,531$ (418,731)$ –$ –$ 19,589,800$ <br />