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<br />-12- <br />GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES <br /> <br />The following graph reflects the City’s General Fund expenditures, budget and actual, for 2020: <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Public Works <br />Public Safety <br />General Government <br />General Fund Expenditures <br /> Budget Actual <br /> Total General Fund expenditures for 2020 were $4,586,618, which was $444,842 (8.8 percent) under the <br />final budget. As presented in the budgetary comparison schedule (within the City’s Comprehensive <br />Annual Financial Report), expenditure variances were both favorable and unfavorable within the various <br />functions and departments, while overall, they remained within total appropriations approved by the City <br />Council. The general government function was $203,261 under budget, mainly within other services and <br />charges. The parks and recreation function was under budget by $285,433, split between park <br />maintenance and recreation. <br /> <br />The following graph presents the City’s General Fund expenditures by function for the last five years: <br /> General <br />Government Public Safety Public Works Parks and <br />Recreation <br />2016 $1,082,313 $1,981,506 $479,814 $621,832 <br />2017 $1,076,352 $2,058,037 $443,633 $618,614 <br />2018 $1,039,772 $2,088,345 $579,535 $653,977 <br />2019 $1,058,275 $2,399,296 $632,531 $679,589 <br />2020 $927,319 $2,435,773 $675,739 $547,787 <br />$– <br /> $250,000 <br /> $500,000 <br /> $750,000 <br /> $1,000,000 <br /> $1,250,000 <br /> $1,500,000 <br /> $1,750,000 <br /> $2,000,000 <br /> $2,250,000 <br /> $2,500,000 <br />General Fund Expenditures by Function <br />Year Ended December 31, <br /> Overall, General Fund expenditures decreased $183,073 (3.8 percent) from the prior year. The decrease <br />was almost evenly split between general government and parks and recreation. Several departments <br />within general government were down from the prior year, with the largest decreases in TCAAP and <br />planning and zoning. Program cancellations, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, reduced spending in parks <br />and recreation.