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<br />-7- <br />The following table provides the City’s Summary of Net Position: <br /> <br />2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 <br />Assets <br />Current and other assets 15,458,034$ 12,945,479$ 3,831,773$ 3,151,779$ 19,289,807$ 16,097,258$ <br />Capital assets 26,418,066 26,988,912 19,589,800 20,008,531 46,007,866 46,997,443 <br />Total assets 41,876,100$ 39,934,391$ 23,421,573$ 23,160,310$ 65,297,673$ 63,094,701$ <br />Deferred outflows of resources <br />Pension plan deferments – PERA 125,948$ 56,374$ 81,715$ 39,435$ 207,663$ 95,809$ <br />Liabilities <br />Long-term liabilities <br /> outstanding 982,605$ 795,864$ 2,986,238$ 3,104,472$ 3,968,843$ 3,900,336$ <br />Other liabilities 1,658,408 1,847,726 237,965 483,552 1,896,373 2,331,278 <br />Total liabilities 2,641,013$ 2,643,590$ 3,224,203$ 3,588,024$ 5,865,216$ 6,231,614$ <br />Deferred inflows of resources <br />Pension plan deferments – PERA 45,668$ 191,233$ 29,630$ 133,772$ 75,298$ 325,005$ <br />State aid received for subsequent years 1,225,355 – – – 1,225,355 – <br />Total deferred inflows of resources 1,271,023$ 191,233$ 29,630$ 133,772$ 1,300,653$ 325,005$ <br />Net position <br />Net investment in capital assets 26,418,066$ 26,988,912$ 17,248,962$ 17,452,137$ 43,667,028$ 44,441,049$ <br />Restricted 1,137,740 1,096,698 – – 1,137,740 1,096,698 <br />Unrestricted 10,534,206 9,070,332 3,000,493 2,025,812 13,534,699 11,096,144 <br />Total net position 38,090,012$ 37,155,942$ 20,249,455$ 19,477,949$ 58,339,467$ 56,633,891$ <br />Activities Activities Total <br />Governmental Business-Type <br />Summary of Net Position <br />as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 <br />Table 1 <br /> <br /> <br />Restricted net position of $1,137,740 comprises 2.0 percent of net position at the close of the fiscal year <br />ended December 31, 2020. These assets are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. <br /> <br />The balance of unrestricted net position, $13,534,699, or approximately 23.2 percent, may be used to <br />meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. Certain balances within unrestricted net <br />position may have internally imposed commitments or limitations, which may further limit the purpose <br />for which such net position may be used. <br /> <br />At the end of the current fiscal year, the City is able to report positive balances in all three categories of <br />net position, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate governmental and <br />business-type activities. The same situation held true for the prior fiscal year. <br /> <br />Both governmental activities and business-type activities experienced changes in deferred outflows of <br />resources, deferred inflows of resources, and long-term liabilities as a result of the City’s participation in <br />a state-wide defined benefit pension plan. The City reported an increase in current and other assets and <br />deferred inflows of resources with the receipt of state aid funding with an entitlement applicable to future <br />funding periods.