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<br />-12- <br />GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS <br /> <br />Total General Fund revenues were $332,821 more than estimated in the budget. Intergovernmental <br />revenue exceeded budgeted levels by $477,752, primarily due to the receipt of federal coronavirus relief <br />funds as previously discussed. An unfavorable variance in charges and services, largely due to the <br />COVID-19 pandemic, partially offset the variance in intergovernmental revenue sources. Expenditures <br />within the General Fund were less than budget by $444,842 spread across several functions, but most <br />noticeably in general government and parks and recreation, mainly in personal services, and other <br />services and charges. <br /> <br />During the year, the City Council approved budget amendments increasing expenditures and transfers out <br />by $491,150. The largest change was approving $478,000 of additional transfers out, moving available <br />resources to other funds. <br /> <br /> <br />CAPITAL ASSETS AND LONG-TERM LIABILITIES <br /> <br />Capital Assets – The City’s investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities <br />as of December 31, 2020 amounts to $46,007,866 (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment in <br />capital assets includes items, such as land, construction in progress, buildings and structures, <br />infrastructure and improvements, distribution and collection systems, machinery and equipment, office <br />furniture and equipment, and vehicles. <br /> <br />2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 <br />Land 2,679,818$ 2,679,818$ –$ –$ 2,679,818$ 2,679,818$ <br />Construction in progress 429,828 5,137,764 381,935 3,193,168 811,763 8,330,932 <br />Buildings and structures 3,688,414 3,526,203 580,147 621,690 4,268,561 4,147,893 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 18,198,967 14,054,209 – – 18,198,967 14,054,209 <br />Distribution and collection systems – – 18,298,005 15,931,197 18,298,005 15,931,197 <br />Machinery and equipment 279,004 344,129 329,713 262,476 608,717 606,605 <br />Office furniture and equipment 20,639 31,416 – – 20,639 31,416 <br />Vehicles 1,121,396 1,215,373 – – 1,121,396 1,215,373 <br />Total 26,418,066$ 26,988,912$ 19,589,800$ 20,008,531$ 46,007,866$ 46,997,443$ <br />Table 3 <br />Capital Assets <br />(Net of Depreciation) <br />Total <br />Business-Type <br />Activities <br />Governmental <br />Activities <br /> <br /> <br />Increases in the current year included ongoing projects for streets, related utility infrastructure, and trails, <br />contributing to the changes in the table above as of year-end. <br /> <br />The City finalized several larger projects in the current year, which reduced construction in progress , <br />while increasing specific capital asset categories listed in the table above. <br /> <br />Additional information on the City’s capital assets can be found in Note 3 of the notes to basic financial <br />statements.