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Surface Internal <br />Water Nonmajor Service <br />Water Sewer Management Recycling Totals Funds <br />Cash flows from operating activities <br />Receipts from customers and users 2,319,753$ 1,883,573$ 904,828$ 137,178$ 5,245,332$ 522,670$ <br />Payments to suppliers (1,426,791) (1,030,919) (190,477) (129,537) (2,777,724) (505,884) <br />Payments to employees (352,628) (417,484) (249,547) (29,675) (1,049,334) (7,352) <br />Payments for interfund services used (55,019) (56,772) (35,648) (3,421) (150,860) – <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 485,315 378,398 429,156 (25,455) 1,267,414 9,434 <br />Cash flows from noncapital financing activities <br />Grants received 528 603 392 23,842 25,365 – <br />Transfers out (100,000) (63,000) (74,000) – (237,000) – <br />Net cash flows from noncapital <br /> financing activities (99,472) (62,397) (73,608) 23,842 (211,635) – <br />Cash flows from capital and related <br /> financing activities <br />Acquisition and construction of capital assets (78,805) (41,745) (75,514) – (196,064) – <br />Capital contributions – connection fees received 36,895 23,766 – – 60,661 – <br />Principal payments on bonds (175,000) (25,000) – – (200,000) – <br />Interest paid (75,249) (11,749) – – (86,998) – <br />Net cash flows from capital and related <br /> financing activities (292,159) (54,728) (75,514) – (422,401) – <br />Cash flows from investing activities <br />Earnings on investments 38,777 17,810 8,358 3,012 67,957 10,589 <br />Net change in cash and cash equivalents 132,461 279,083 288,392 1,399 701,335 20,023 <br />Cash and cash equivalents – beginning 1,220,491 388,656 33,410 146,555 1,789,112 432,865 <br />Cash and cash equivalents – ending 1,352,952$ 667,739$ 321,802$ 147,954$ 2,490,447$ 452,888$ <br />Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net <br /> cash flows from operating activities <br />Operating income (loss)379,683$ 214,938$ 330,162$ (2,975)$ 921,808$ (123,280)$ <br />Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) <br /> to net cash flows from operating activities <br />Depreciation 318,037 189,459 107,299 – 614,795 – <br />Decrease (increase) in customer receivables 8,385 12,723 (4,659) 313 16,762 (8,384) <br />Decrease (increase) in due from other governments (5,523) – 32,960 – 27,437 – <br />Decrease (increase) in prepaid items (6,328) (7,342) (6,328) – (19,998) – <br />Decrease (increase) in inventory (2,036) – – – (2,036) – <br />Decrease (increase) in deferred outflows (14,751) (16,812) (10,717) – (42,280) – <br />Increase (decrease) in accounts payable 1,825 3,756 (15,293) (59) (9,771) 143,704 <br />Increase (decrease) in due to other governments (192,839) (16,603) (17) (23,024) (232,483) (822) <br />Increase (decrease) in net pension liability 26,202 29,718 16,561 – 72,481 – <br />Increase (decrease) in compensated absences <br /> payable 8,500 9,488 6,563 290 24,841 (1,784) <br />Increase (decrease) in deferred inflows (35,840) (40,927) (27,375) – (104,142) – <br />Total adjustments 105,632 163,460 98,994 (22,480) 345,606 132,714 <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 485,315$ 378,398$ 429,156$ (25,455)$ 1,267,414$ 9,434$ <br />Noncash investing, capital, and financing activities <br />Due from other governmental units <br />Amortization of bond premium (discount)13,457$ 2,099$ –$ –$ 15,556$ –$ <br />Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Cash Flows <br />Proprietary Funds <br />Year Ended December 31, 2020 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -21-