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restaurant’s hours of operation unless the licensee obtains permission from restaurant <br />owner/manager. <br /> <br /> K. Mobile food units may not operate in City-owned parking lots, except those <br />parking lots adjacent to or inside a City park with the approval of the City. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 License. A mobile food unit license is non-transferable. Proof of license shall be <br />displayed at all times in the mobile food unit. <br /> <br />Subd. 4 Practices Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person engaged in the business of a <br />mobile food unit operation to do the following: <br /> <br /> A. Call attention to that licensee’s business by crying out, blowing a horn, ringing a <br />bell, playing loud music or by any loud or unusual noise, or by use of any amplifying device. <br /> <br /> B. Leave the mobile food unit at an authorized location outside allowed hours of <br />operation. <br /> <br /> C. Operate or travel in or on public sidewalks, trails or rights-of-way except as <br />authorized in the permit. <br /> <br /> D. Obstruct the ingress or egress from property or buildings. <br /> <br /> E. Conduct business in any manner as to create a threat to the health, safety, and <br />welfare of a specific individual or the general public, or fail to obey a lawful order of law <br />enforcement or licensing personnel. <br /> <br />395.06 Suspension or Revocation of a License, Criminal Penalty. <br /> <br />A license may be suspended, revoked, or denied for renewal for any violations of this Code or <br />conditions of any license. Any violation of this Code or provisions of any license shall be a <br />misdemeanor. It shall be a violation for a property owner to allow a mobile food unit to operate <br />on their property in violation of this Code or conditions of any license, and the property owner <br />may be charged with a misdemeanor or administrative penalty set by the Council (insert fine/fee <br />or reference to annual fees/charges ordinance). <br />