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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Council denies Planning Case 2l-006 for a <br />variance request at the Subject Property 4073 Valentine Court, based on the findings of fact and <br />the submitted plans in the May 24,2021 Report to the City Council: <br />The Subject Property located at 4073 Valentine Court is located in the R-l Single <br />Family Residential District, and is guided as Low Density Residential in the land <br />use plan, ffid is currently non-conforming because it does not meet the R-l <br />District standards for side yard setback on a corner lot: Section 1320.06 of the <br />Arden Hills City Code requires a side yard setback of 40 feet on corner lots. <br />The City received the Applicant's Application for a Variance on March 31,2021 <br />requesting a variance to decrease the required side yard setback from 40 feet to <br />7 .82 feet to accommodate the proposed garage addition. The rectangular shaped <br />lot, though relatively narrow compared to its length, is of substantial size for lots <br />in the neighborhood, having a lot area over twice the minimum lot size of 14,000 <br />square feet (property is 37,541 square feet). <br />The scope or scale of the Variance request is very large, asking to reduce a40 <br />foot setback to 7 .82 feet. <br />The large Variance request would further reduce the green space in the side yard <br />atea and require ongoing maintenance of the current screening, or further <br />plantings to provide additional screening, all of which would need to be located it <br />the City' s right-of-way. <br />Granting of the Variance would increase responsibility on the City to maintain <br />vegetative buffer from the traveled portion of the right-of-way. <br />The size and layout of the Subject Property provides multiple alternative options <br />for the Applicant that would allow for increased accessory structure and floor <br />area, and the shape of the lot is not unique in that lots in the neighborhood all <br />have odd shapes and sizes. <br />I <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />PASSED Ai\D ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />THIS 14th DAY OF JUNE, 2021. <br />il*'l'U^* <br />Mayor <br />t <br />Attest: <br />Ci Clerk <br />To vigw the /inal document, qccess adopted Resolutions via Arden Hills Public Laser/iche Weblink by visiting <br /> and clicking on Archived Documents under Helpful Links on our mainwebpage.