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• • December 26, 1984 WEHRMAN b. keith wehrman <br />roy a. anderson <br />john o. bergly <br />Mr. Dave Leuthe Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 <br />Re: Shoreland Management Classifications City of Arden Hills <br />Dave: <br />CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATED <br />INC. <br />I am herewith submitting a preliminary request for shoreland reclassi­fication and modification of certain lot area and lot coverage provisions for your initial review and comment. The first four pages of the en­closed documentation summarize the requested reclassifications and/or provision modifications for each lake. The justification for each re­quest is included. <br />Pages 5 through 11 represent the City's analysis of the existing develop­ment in each shoreland district, and also provide a comparison between existing zoning provisions within the shoreland district and the DNR requirements. Pages 12 through 15 are maps which identify the shoreland management districts in accordance with preliminary DNR classifications, the amount and location of undeveloped land within shoreland areas, the land which is considered to be adversely affected by the DNR re­quirements, and the major topographic divides which may alter shoreland boundaries (based upon community-wide drainage analysis by City Engineer). The final map, Page 16, presents the shoreland classifications and shoreland management district boundaries as proposed by the City. <br />Please review this information and respond at your convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call. Following your preliminary review, I will modify this documentation as necessary and accompany it with a formal request in the form of a City Council resolution. <br />Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />WEHRMAN CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATED, INC. <br />��;,� <br />OWM/clm Enclosures <br />cc: Charlotte McNiesh Dorothy Zehm <br />RECEI\TED <br />'JAN 301985 <br />Division of Waters <br />engineering -landscape architecture <br />planning -urban research <br />phone 612-546-4303 -1415 north lilac drive. minneaoolis. mn 55422