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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION – JULY 12, 2021 2 <br /> <br />discussed by the Council that two Chapters of the city code be amended. Those applicable <br />Chapters and Sections are as follows: <br /> <br />• Municipal Code Chapter 4 – Animals and Pets <br />o Amend - Section 400.01, Definitions <br />o Add - Section 410.01 Subd. 3, Chickens License <br />• Zoning Code Chapter 1325 – General Regulations <br />o Amend – Section 1325.07 Subd. 7.A., Location for Buildings Housing Farm <br />Animals <br /> <br />Senior Planner Jagoe explained regarding coop setbacks, the general agreement of the Council <br />was to include language similar to the City of Lakeville which was “The coop and run shall be <br />located closer to the principal dwelling upon the property to which the administrative permit is <br />issued than any other residential dwelling on an abutting property.” The Council should discuss <br />further if there is a preference to add language more specific to require a license holder to <br />maintain a minimum setback. Additionally, there was deliberation at the work session on size of <br />the coop and should this structure count towards the maximum number of accessory structures. <br />There seemed to be general agreement that the coop should count as an accessory structure, but no <br />limitations (i.e. minimum or maximum) were set for size. These are two areas that the Council <br />may want to discuss further in review of draft ordinance language. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Jagoe reported otherwise, the draft ordinance language presented includes the <br />consensus of comments from the January work session. This is the first ordinance presented to the <br />Council for review. Staff is seeking direction on draft language and next steps. It should be noted <br />that an ordinance amendment to the Zoning Code does require a public hearing. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the difference was between a run and a pen. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Jagoe stated a run and a pen were the same term. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensured regarding the minimum size for a run/pen and exercise yard. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant reported he would like to see the Council be specific as to what the size of the run <br />in order to keep the pen humane. He noted the minimum size at this time was 30 square feet for <br />three birds. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked how the City defined an exercise yard. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Jagoe reported an exercise yard was a fenced in area for birds to be in when <br />supervised. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden indicated this would allow for fenced in back yards to serve as exercise <br />yards. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant recommended the Council define how much space is required within the exercise <br />yard. <br />