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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – JULY 12, 2021 5 <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier commented the City Council voted unanimously to table this <br />planning case to allow them to review the existing accessory structure size standards for the <br />Shoreland District. The Applicant signed a 6-month Extension Form, requiring the City Council <br />to take action on the variance request by July 12, 2021. On June 28, 2021, the City Council <br />approved Ordinance 2021-004, amending the requirements for accessory structures in the <br />Shoreland District. This amendment increased the maximum size of an accessory structure to 100 <br />square feet, and applied screening and design standards. The amendment did not increase the <br />maximum height. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reviewed the Plan Evaluation and offered the following Findings <br />of Fact: <br /> <br />1. City Staff received a land use application for a request to build an accessory structure for <br />storage at the Subject Property 3493 Siems Court. <br />2. Storage of personal items is a permitted use for an accessory structure in the R-1 Single <br />Family Residential District. <br />3. The Subject Property has a steep downward slope in the rear yard that prevents the <br />Applicant from building on much of the site. <br />4. The Subject Property meets the minimum lot size, width, and length requirements for the <br />R-1 District. <br />5. The Applicant is requesting flexibility with the maximum height for an accessory storage <br />shed located within the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) setback requirement for Lake <br />Johanna. <br />6. The rear yard setback requirement for a proposed accessory structure is determined by the <br />OWHL of Lake Johanna. <br />7. The proposed structure is located 25.2 feet within the OHWL setback from Lake Johanna <br />which is 50 feet. <br />8. The proposed storage structure would be located outside the Shore Impact Zone of Lake <br />Johanna. <br />9. One (1) storage shed is permitted with the OHWL setback requirement of Lake Johanna as <br />long as it does not exceed 100 square feet in size and eight (8) feet in height. <br />10. The proposed structure exceeds the height at nine (9) feet six (6) inches tall and exceeds <br />the area dimension at 93.5 square feet. <br />11. The proposed structure would otherwise conform to all other requirements and standards <br />of the R-1 district. <br />12. A variance may be granted if enforcement of a provision in the zoning ordinance would <br />cause the landowner practical difficulties. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier explained the Planning Commission recommended approval by a <br />4-3 vote of Planning Case 20-017 for a Variance at 3493 Siems Court, based on the findings of <br />fact and the submitted plans in the December 9, 2020 Report to the Planning Commission, as <br />amended by conditions. Based on the recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the only <br />variance requested at this time is a variance to the height of the structure. The following <br />conditions were recommended for approval of the Variance: <br /> <br />1. A Zoning Permit for an accessory structure shall be issued prior to commencement of <br />construction.