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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – JULY 12, 2021 7 <br /> <br />Mayor Grant commented this structure was 17 inches too high. He indicated the Council <br />reviewed the Shoreland Ordinance for almost two months. He questioned if the applicant was <br />fully aware of the variance request given the new requirements within the Shoreland Ordinance. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier stated she did not have conversations specifically regarding this, <br />but noted the applicant spoke about building height and was aware of the City’s requirements. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br />motion to deny Planning Case 20-017 for a Variance at 3493 Siems Court, <br />based on the following Findings of Fact: <br /> <br />1.) The City Council spent considerable time reviewing and redrafting the <br />Ordinance for accessory structures in the shore impact zone. <br />2.) The City Council increased the allowable size for accessory structures in <br />the shore impact zone. <br />3.) The City Council decided not to increase the structure height due to <br />weighing the needs of residents versus those enjoying the lake. <br />4.) There are no practical difficulties for this variance request. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott stated the reason the Council considers variances individually, was <br />because it allows the Council to consider each request based on the unique attributes of the <br />property. He noted this property was very steeply sloped and the proposed building would not <br />obstruct a view from the home or the lake based on the additional 17 inches in building height. <br />He indicated he would not be supporting the motion on the floor. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden commented this was not a unique property on the lake. She stated after <br />working with the DNR for over six weeks on the Shoreland Ordinance, she indicated she would <br />like to see the City Council stick to the Ordinance and not support the variance. She feared that if <br />this variance were approved, numerous requests would be made in the future from lakeshore <br />property owners. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant indicated he would be supporting the motion on the floor. While he appreciated <br />the fact the applicant had come back with adjusted plans, he believed there were ways for the <br />applicant to meet the Ordinance requirements. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden clarified the applicant had not modified his plans since last fall. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reported the plans were adjusted in October, but no adjustments <br />have been made since that time. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant questioned what options the applicant would have regarding an accessory structure <br />if this variance were denied. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier explained the applicant would not be able to bring a variance <br />request before the Council for another six months, unless it was a substantially different request. <br />She commented another option would be for the applicant to bring an accessory structure request <br />that meets the City’s requirements.