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3 <br />Watch for “No Parking” zones around State Fair Park and Ride sites this summer <br />This summer, the City has plans to <br />install temporary ‘No Parking’ signs <br />on streets affected by the annual influx <br />of parked cars near Minnesota State Fair <br />Park and Ride lots. There are four Park <br />and Ride locations in Arden Hills: <br />•Bethel University Anderson Center (for- <br />merly Country Financial), one block south <br />of County Road E on Pine Tree Drive; <br />•Catholic United Financial on Lexington <br />Avenue, two blocks south of County Road <br />E; <br />•Presbyterian Church of the Way on <br />Lexington Avenue, three blocks south of <br />County Road E; <br />•Trinity Lutheran of Lake Johanna lot <br />on New Brighton Road, north of County <br />Road D. <br />On many days during the run of the Great <br />Minnesota Get-Together, these locations <br />are well-utilized and the lots fill quickly, <br />often resulting in increased parking on <br />surrounding streets. Issues, ranging from <br />excessive littering, to lawn and property <br />damage, to US Mail and deliveries not <br />being received because mailboxes are <br />blocked by parked cars, are often reported <br />by residents in these areas. <br />More importantly, these parking problems <br />present a significant public safety issue. <br />Impacted residents have reported that <br />driveways are often blocked by cars so that <br />they cannot safely use them. Not only does <br />this increase the likelihood of property <br />damage to cars, but it puts resident safety <br />at risk, as well as that of Park and Ride us- <br />ers as they circle blocks to find parking and <br />walk to and from their parked cars. <br />In addition, the Park and Ride buses <br />struggle to pass through the cramped <br />streets in order to drop off and pick up <br />riders. The Lake Johanna Fire Department <br />has also expressed concern as to whether <br />their emergency vehicles would be able <br />to access a home in these areas if their as- <br />sistance was needed. <br />In years past, the City has installed tem- <br />porary signage, only to have the parking <br />problems migrate to other streets. Some <br />residents have even resorted to posting <br />their own signs on their property and using <br />barricades such as sawhorses to reserve <br />adequate space for safe usage of their <br />driveways and ensure mail delivery. Many <br />times, unfortunately, these measures have <br />been ignored and even physically removed <br />by fairgoers. <br />Mayor David Grant and Councilmember <br />Brenda Holden plan to canvass affected <br />neighborhoods prior to the start of the <br />State Fair to determine which streets are <br />most affected and require signage to ensure <br />public safety during this time of year. The <br />proposed signage will indicate that viola- <br />tors are subject to towing. <br />In the weeks since Mark Moser joined <br />the Public Works team in early May, <br />he has been busy pitching in on projects <br />involving all departments: parks, sewer, <br />streets, surface water, and water. Some <br />tasks that have presented themselves – <br />such as a water main issue at Perry Park, <br />blacktopping the parking lot at Ingerson <br />Park, and maintenance of the lift stations <br />– have required some on-the-job learning. <br />Other general maintenance and landscap- <br />ing projects cover familiar territory. <br />It is this variety of job responsibilities, <br />the opportunity to apply his past work <br />experience, and the chance to gain new <br />job skills that appealed to Moser when he <br />applied for this position with the City. He <br />has approximately 14 years of experience <br />in the construction industry and enjoys <br />working outside and using his hands to <br />build and repair. His most recent work ex- <br />perience was an approximately three-year <br />stint in facilities <br />maintenance and <br />supervision at a <br />college campus in <br />North Dakota. <br />Born and raised in <br />western Wisconsin, <br />Moser is happy to be back in the Twin <br />Cities with a job that presents potential <br />for growth and relative job security. “I am <br />looking forward to being part of the growth <br />in Arden Hills and keeping the community <br />happy,” he said. “Having a job that serves <br />the public and keeps them safe is very <br />gratifying for me.” <br />Moser will be spending the summer work- <br />ing, house hunting in the Ham Lake area <br />with his wife, and hopefully finding time to <br />do a little hunting or fishing. <br />• Authorized City staff to coordinate <br />repairs on the Arden View Court storm <br />sewer (5-0). <br />• Approved the Cooperative Agree- <br />ment PUBW2016-13(R) with Ramsey <br />County for the reconstruction of the <br />County Road H/35W Interchange <br />between Old Hwy 8 and the easterly <br />35W Ramp Terminal (5-0). <br />• Accepted a proposal to complete 1½ <br />inch mill and overlay on Sandeen <br />Road (5-0). <br />• Approved resolution 2016-017 relat- <br />ing to commission and committee <br />appointments. Terrance Finlay is now <br />part of the Parks, Trails, and Recre- <br />ation Committee (PTRC) (5-0). <br />• Approved a motion to enter into a <br />contract with William S. Joynes to <br />conduct the recruitment, screening, <br />and selection of the Administrator <br />Candidates for the City of Arden Hills <br />(5-0). <br />Note: other minor items were approved. <br />Review online minutes from meetings for <br />details. <br />Mark Moser joins Public Works team <br />Benchmarks— <br />A look at City Council actions <br />by Tina Kulzer <br />by Tina Kulzer