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Steven L. Jones (4-year) <br />My wife Belinda and I moved to Arden Hills in 1999 from the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul. Our two sons <br />moved with us, our daughter joined our family in 2002. Belinda teaches in the Roseville School District. Isaac <br />graduated from Mounds View High School in 2015 and is now in college. Levi (2017) and Lillian (2020) both at- <br />tend MVHS - Go Mustangs! <br />We are active members of the Centennial United Methodist Church as well as Boy Scouts, Job’s Daughters and <br />numerous school and community endeavors. I have enjoyed working on the Arden Hills Planning Commission for <br />nearly three years. <br />I have a degree in HVAC design and hold a license in Wisconsin as a Designer of Engineering Systems. I have worked in the mechani- <br />cal engineering field for over 22 years, with more than 16 years at the Gustave A. Larson Co. where I oversee the North Central Region <br />design and engineering department. <br />Candidate Statement <br />First and foremost, I highly recommend to anyone interested, get involved with one or more of the numerous committees and com- <br />missions in the City of Arden Hills. They offer citizens a look at the inner workings of our City government, as well as a voice as to its <br />future. The past two-and-a-half years on the planning commission, working with the City Council, fellow commissioners, residents and <br />local businesses have proven very rewarding. <br /> <br />My initial interest in the planning commission was the expansion and development of our City into the TCAAP area. Living in a part of <br />our city about as far from the TCAAP as you can get, I often talk to neighbors about the future of our entire City. My interest in the City <br />Council is much the same. <br />The next ten to twenty years promise many changes to the City of Arden Hills. Population, land mass, jobs, housing, business climate, <br />tax revenues and expenditures, firefighting and policing, and many others will all be affected. Will the new services and utilities offered, <br />be they internet access, public WiFi, fiber optics, trash, recycling, green energy, etc… be City-wide? I’ll work to insure they are. <br />Dave McClung (4-year, incumbent) <br />I have been proud to represent you as a City Council member these last four years as well as from 2006 – 2010. I <br />am running for re-election to keep Arden Hills an ideal place to work, play, and live. I have a long track record of <br />advocating for the residents of Arden Hills, and I am asking for your vote to allow me to continue that advocacy <br />for you. <br />My family has been involved in the life of the Arden Hills community since before we were a City. My Grand- <br />father Rex McClung served on the first City Council and my family has continued our service to Arden Hills <br />tirelessly over the years. <br />Candidate Statement <br />First and foremost I believe in communication and listening to the thoughts and concerns of residents. I have always been open and <br />approachable and willing to have a discussion about what is best for the future of Arden Hills. This has never changed and will never <br />change. <br />I will work to focus the City’s budgetary priorities on critical City services: health and public safety; building roads and maintaining our <br />infrastructure; providing sewer and water services; and maintaining safe, clean parks and trails for all residents. <br />I will work tirelessly to ensure that development on TCAAP/Rice Creek Commons brings value to existing Arden Hills and the sur- <br />rounding community and continues our tradition of valuing parks and open-space. <br />If re-elected, I will remain: <br />• Committed to a family-friendly City <br />• Responsive to resident concerns <br />• Dedicated to responsible City budgeting <br />I ask for your support and vote on November 8th. <br />5