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400.01 Definitions. <br />The following definitions shall be used in the application and interpretation of the <br />provisions of this chapter: <br /> ή Animal. Any non-human mammal, reptile, amphibian, or bird. <br /> ή Animal Control Officer. An individual or employee of a business retained by the City <br />for purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter; or a member of the City's law <br />enforcement agency. <br /> ή Animal, Domestic. Animals kept within the home as pets, such as fish, dogs, cats, <br />household bird, and similar animals. <br /> ή Animal, Non-Domestic. Animals which are kept outside the home for purposes of food <br />or pleasure such as cattle, hogs, horses, bees, sheep, goats, chickens, birds, such as falcons <br />and pigeons, and similar animals. <br /> ή Animal, Wild. Any animal which is of a species not usually domesticated and of a <br />species which, due to size, wild nature or other characteristics, is dangerous to humans and <br />would ordinarily be confined in a zoo or found in the wild. The term includes but is not <br />limited to: <br /> ή Animals and birds, the keeping of which is licensed by the state or federal <br />government, such as wolves, raptors, and pheasants. <br /> ή Eagles, ocelots, jaguars, cougars, weasels, wild ferrets, badgers, monkeys, <br />chimpanzee, deer, and bison. <br /> ή Crossbreeds of wild animals and domesticated animals such as the cross between <br />dogs and coyotes and dogs and wolves. <br /> ή Any large cat of the family Felidae, such as lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cougars <br />and ocelots, except commonly accepted domesticated house cats. <br /> ή Any member of the family Canidae, such as wolves, coyotes, dingoes, and jackals, <br />except domesticated dogs. <br /> ή Any poisonous snake such as a rattlesnake, coral snake, water moccasin, puff adder, <br />or cobra. <br /> ή Any snake or reptile which by its size, vicious nature or other characteristic is <br />dangerous to human beings. <br /> ή Any skunk, raccoon, or fox whether captured in the wild, domestically raised, <br />descented or not descented, vaccinated against rabies or not vaccinated against rabies. <br /> ή Any bear, ape, gorilla, monkey, or badger. <br /> ή Any other animal or reptile which is commonly considered wild. <br /> ή At Large. An unattended animal on public property; or an unattended animal on <br />private property without the consent of the property owner. <br /> ή Cat. Any domesticated feline animal, male or female, whole or neutered. <br /> ή Coop. An accessory structure for the keeping or housing of chickens permitted by the <br />ordinance. <br /> ή Dangerous Dog. Any dog that has committed any of the acts set forth below: <br /> Attachment A