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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – AUGUST 16, 2021 <br /> 4 <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen said the last treatments of City owned trees was in <br />2016 and 2018. Public Works recently completed a citywide tree inspection to determine all <br />diseased trees on public and private property. All public trees were located, privately owned trees <br />were located only if they were diseased. There was a total of 75 ash trees located on public land <br />and each tree was rated from very good to very poor. He asked for Council to discuss the current <br />plan and propose modifications if necessary. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant felt they should treat our trees, and that the cost was a small amount versus taking <br />them down. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen said the lowest treatment quote they received was <br />$85.50 per tree, but that could go down now that they know the actual number of trees is double <br />what was previously treated. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes felt treating the trees was well worth the expense. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant suggested they combing treating the trees with planting a few new trees that will <br />grow nearby the ash trees. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen said Roseville is planting “buddy” trees near ash <br />trees that are declining. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott added that he has two large ash trees that he started treating twice a year in <br />2014, and he agreed with treating City trees. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant suggested that he’d like to see residents be able to get the same price as the City <br />per tree. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen asked if the Council would like to modify the <br />current plan. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding types of treatment. <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault suggested that staff could create a new shorter policy and bring it <br />for Council approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant felt the policy was out of date and an updated policy could be brought back to <br />another work session or brought for approval at a regular meeting. <br /> <br />E. City Owned Parcel at 3588 Ridgewood Road <br />(discussed after item 1A) <br /> <br />Senior Planner Jagoe stated that earlier this year, the City was contacted by an interested party <br />regarding purchasing the City owned parcel at 3588 Ridgewood Road. About a month ago there <br />was a second inquiry from another interested party. The City Attorney was directed to begin the <br />process of a title search, and on August 6th, the City received the completed title report which <br />confirmed that the property came from State through County as part of turnback of the old <br />Snelling Avenue corridor ROW. There are no deed restrictions prohibiting the City from selling