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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />Their accounts have all been updated and the reads were corrected as of 7/1/2021. What this means <br />is that their 3rd quarter bill for July – September 2021 was for their actual usage amount as it <br />included the multiplier of 10. I have calculated the total amounts not billed for each of the <br />customers between 2018 and 2021. The amounts range from $561.24 to $1,835.77, with a total for <br />the 10 properties of $13,716.63. These amount have not yet been billed to the customers. Staff has <br />not yet contacted the affected property owners as we wanted direction from Council on how to <br />proceed. <br /> <br />I have also compiled a list of 10 more properties that we need to check to see if they have an RTR <br />or HRE encoder. Their encoders were changed out since 2018 but the paperwork did not specify <br />the type of encoder installed. Upon review of the usage history for this list of properties, there is a <br />possibility that at least 3 of them have HRE encoders. <br /> <br />Staff is adding a step to their procedures to have a second sign off on new device installations and <br />to review consumption usage for the first full quarter on all new device installations to make sure <br />the consumption seems in line with other customers. <br /> <br />Council Direction <br />Staff is seeking direction from the City Council on if any portion of the unbilled amounts should <br />be charged to the customers? <br /> <br />Budget Impact <br />Water and sewer revenue totaling $13,716.63 has not been billed to the 10 customers whose devices <br />were setup incorrectly in our software system. <br />